Support Forum
Does the 'Start Upload' look like text or does it look like an actual button?
IF it looks like a button then there is probably a script conflict of some sort that needs to be resolved.
IF it does NOT look like a button the likelihood is that your WP theme is loading the 'Bootstrap' javascript library and this is not compatible with the jQuery UI library that is used by WordPress - and hence Simple:Press, in that it stomps all over it.
If the latter then this can be fixed but the key is forcing the Bootstrap library to be loaded before the jQuery UI library. But the first thing is to find out which issue it is...
The next step is to ensure that the 'bootstrap' library is the culprit. You will need to view the html source - usually on a tool menu of the browser - or something like that - and usually called 'view source'. Load the page, click on the view source menu option and then perform a search for the term 'bootstrap'.
If you find it being loaded then what I would really advise is that you shout at the theme author and ask them to stick to the tools that WordPress provides. But as this probably will not achieve anything and doesn't help you anyway then a way has to be found to deal with it. There is NOT an easy answer. But let's deal with that if we know that Bootstrap is the issue.
Just as an added comment can you please stop sending emails and private messages., They are not going to help and just waste my time. THIS is the place to talk about the issue. And we can not progress that until we know the answer to the question I have asked above.
If this IS a case of using the Bootstrap library as I suspect - and await to hear from you about - then remember that it is the theme author who is not abiding by the rules - not Simple:Press.
Now - please see if we can find the problem and just discuss this here for a while.
Hi, i did find bootstap ... i pasted the code, i hope this is what you need to know.
<link rel='stylesheet' id='bootstrap-css' href='' type='text/css' media='all' /> | |
<link rel='stylesheet' id='tcp-loop-css' href='' type='text/css' media='all' /> | |
<link rel='stylesheet' id='bre-style-css' href='' type='text/css' media='all' /> |
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