Support Forum
yes - it could well be a plugin. It looked more like the theme based on where it was in the generated html of the page but a plugin could do it.
You have to be careful here when you say it still does not work with all plugins deactivated. The fact that the jQuery being loaded was incompatible with the latest WordPress and up to date plugins does not, necessarily, mean that there are no other issues preventing things from working as they should. The wrong jQuery can disguise other issues that do not become apparent until the first issue is sorted out.
So the important first step is still to find the offending plugin. This is actually quite easy.
if you load the forum - any page - and then view source from your browser menu - and search for 'jQuery' you will very quickly see - quite near the top - where it is is being loaded - probably called jQuery.min.js or somthing like that. If you look at that url you will see the reference to quite clearly.
Now if you deactivate plugins one at a time and then RELOAD the forum page and look at the source again - if it is still being loaded from google then the deactivated plugin was not the cause. Work through them one at a time. it really is quite a quick and simple task unless you have a large number if plugins active!
And it IS worth the effort because it is not just SP that can be tripped up by this. Any plugin that relies on the correct libraries being loaded can fail. The good news is that the WP dev team are currebtly looking at this problem to see if they can find a way to stop it happening.
this is what is said buy tech support on the pagelines forum:
Right, the plugin has a conflict with bootstrap.js. Our framework uses it for basically everything
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