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a little befuddled here... the IE toolset is so poor its hard to do much debugging...
IE mode seems to be okay... but the theme is still doing some bad things... its loading its own version of jquery instead of using the jquery that comes with wp...
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
so that is ripe for potential conflicts... its a different version than the wp version too...
is that the problem? dont know.. but with my IE 9 on your site, I can duplicate it...
can you temp switch to the default wp theme and see if it persists? just trying to narrow it down...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thanks, tried the standard wp theme. Took me some time to get IE 'clean' to the new theme. Deleted cashed items IE and still it showed me the theme that was active before . But when I finally had it running the standard WP theme it still placed 1px with View Existing....
I wonder if my actions with stopping the plugins did really do the trick. If it also kept the former settings when I was testing, but didn't notice then the work was for nothing. Is there a fast an good way to clear IE, so I can do the test with the plugins again. Just to be sure that it's not the plugins and the fine IE
install the MS developer toolbar addon...
while not nearly as good as firebug for firefox, it does have a way to set the cache off... after installing and restarting IE, hit F12 to open the toolbar... under cache, select always refresh from server... this only works while the toolbar is open...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Oh well, was wurth a try. No luck though . All plugins deactivated and tried, but IE still won't budge.... Now the plupload shows the stuf to upload, but when you click the button, the screen with explorer doesn't show up anymore
. Half a mind of throwing in the towel....... out of options I can think of anyway.
I havent given up yet... but no fresh ideas at the moment... just wish the IE debug tools were more competent... would make things easier...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
one other thing you might try - though I couldnt duplicate your issue, would be to turn on the image enlarger... and use thumbnails... both on forum - options - content settings... just to rule something out...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Sorry that I didn't react any sooner but I've been very busy with my dayjob .
Followed your advise, in the sense that I've tried switching off those settings, because I already set then active before. During testing I bumped in to a message that maybe sheds some light on the problem (or not ).
All this time I'm looking at this problem from the side of images. But this message has something to do with links. So that would suggest the problem also could be found in another area. Or am I missing something else here. Haven't found the solution yet though. So suggestions on another angle are still welcome....
was there any links in this post? and do you really have the option set to 5?
and can you upload now? and get this when saving?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Maybe this has nothing to do with the problems at hand, but I found this in the error log and thought it would say more to you then it did to me .
I've been fiddiling around with some settings. Trial and error, when no use, then put settings back. Maybe this is nothing. But the dates are not from today, so I leave the judgement calls to you.