Support Forum
do you have the sp file uploader plugin activated?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Yes, I do. I just noticed an update so I installed that. Am I supposed to use the Upload attachments at the bottom of the post or is there a button on the Insert image popup? I can upload attachments just fine, I'm trying to figure out how to insert an image in my post without typing in a url.
Here's a how-to on uploading attaching files in Simple:Press
You attach the image same as you would upload a file.
yes, upload attachment... you can insert an image... if you use the button in tinymce, you have to give it a url...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
does not work?? please explain as users report its working great... assume you have the file uploader plugin? so lets work through it... link to site?
you might be thinking of the old sp 4.x versions that had a buggy, insecure file manager... it has been replaced...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Mine does work Mr Papa. What I was thinking is there should be a button directly on the Insert/Image popup. If I use the Upload attachment then it works just fine.
take a look at this youtube video 15 seconds in, you'll see what button I was looking for. I actyually used tinymce on drupal and it works the same way as in this video. That's why I kept looking for an file search button.
as I said that was an old 4.5 implementation... but was buggy and we found multiple security holes that were being exploited (fixed over time but who knows if more) so we got rid of it... plus, 99% of our users wanted something easier, simpler and cleaner...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World