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What does
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/problem-with-post-edit-buttontdocs/..../wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/plupload/sp-plupload-plugin.php:59)
mean? It seems that this occurs very often when i look through the forum fuctions.
typically means multiple folks output header information... sometimes happens in error situations... but wont be the cause of memory issues - or at least very, very unlikely...
do you any other buddypress add on plugins active? and do you have any buddypress modules deactivated? there was an issue several versions where deactivating one module (cant remember this early what it was) could cause issues, but it was fixed in a previous version... and we couldnt get it deactivating others, but worth a look on your end...
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Hey, Andy already told me and I also read it somwhere and tried it out (activating all BP Modules) with no effect. As I said I tried any possible combination of plugin activation and deactivation. I even set up a complete new page and imported teh SP tables and the WP users only, installes BP fresh and got the same error at the end. After nearly 2 days of searching and testing I´m a little tired and frustrated now.
The memory error does - as I said- not always occur instantly. Sometimes I only get a blank Admin Panel except of the Menu on the left with that Warnings and notices I posted. When I click several Items on the menu it always re- appears. And after 2 or 3 clicks comes the memory error.
I´m not a coder and do not really know about PHP. So I´m at the end of what I´m able to do. If one of you guys like, I´d in last instance give you a look at my page and my backend if that does help. I can do a complete backup before of files and data (as if I had not made enough in last 24 hrs ) I coul also provide SQL Dump etc but my friends want a running page and thats my only wish.
As I already said before, my community is still forming, so I´d also consider "drastic" options but the forum threads and my blog posts as well as the user data must survive..
Steve - over to you for opinion. Any more ideas? This is clearly a one-off so can you recommend any data it might be worth getting a dump of? Any point in having site access? use of ashow/vshow?
Needless to say I have no other avenues I can think of to explore at the moment. Although I guess I could install BuddyPress but that will involve a steep klearning curve...
Hello guys,
I took the afternoon to setup a all new installation once more but this time chose obviously more carfully the tables to transfer to the new installation. I can say now, obviously the site with all plugins needed is running including SP and Buddypress. I dont really know what the issue was, but obviously its running now. The only occuring issue now is the one regarding to the "Achievements Beta Plugin". Thanks so much fpor your patience and sorry I stole your time.
Now I can keep SP and my beloved Activity wall
But dont be to euphoric...I will have other things to ask ^^
Best Regards Dave
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