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I'm using WP 4.7.3 and PHP 5.4.16.
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Ah no help. The version of the importer you have does not use the mysqli php library which is the only supported php7 lib. But 5.4.16 and the latest WP still support it so that is not causing you any problems. Thought I might be on the right track there briefly...
Still picking through this... my php knowledge is limited...
In spimport-support.php, I find:
$c = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".SFGROUPS);
In my database, this table is named: wp_sfgroups.
Is SFGROUPS a variable that translates into wp_sfgroups ?
Just checking,
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technically, its defined as:
define('SPGROUPS', SP_PREFIX.'sfgroups');
where the SP_PREFIX constant is defined as your wpdb prefix, in this case wp_
is this standard wp? that is, not multisite? and its stock wp - you havent hand modified any core files?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
So that should be ok.
Yep, standard WP. I used to mess with core files years ago but learned my lesson on that. No messin' w/core files 🙂
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Finally got this 🙂 🙂
Just took about a month (not continuously, I gave up several times and then would come back to it).
Ok, one of the things I did early on was deactivate all my plugins and even with SimplePress and the importer being the only things activated, the importer wouldn't work.
After trying everything else in the world, I finally set up a test site and just kept messing with it and messing with it. Suddenly it started working.
Backing up and retracing my steps several times, then several more times to make sure I really had the fix, I found that deactivating all other plugins wasn't enough by itself.
What I had to do is deactivate everything except SimplePress, including the importer, and then restart the importer. Restarting the importer when all the other plugins were deactivated proved to be the key.
After further testing, I found the plugin it was conflicting with is the Plugin Organizer ( ). But again, turning it off wasn't enough. It has to be turned off, then the importer has to be turned off and back on again.
Yikes... do I remember seeing something saying I had 30 days to get my free plugins with my membership? Can be extended since I'm just now getting started with getting this going? Not sure which plugins I'll be using yet.
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odd... we have many users that use plugin organizer.. maybe just related to import?
looks like your free plugins are still active...
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Thank you. It was just the importer affected by the plugin organizer, it didn't seem to affect any of the other forum admin panels.
Oh... thought I was home free when I got the importer panel working.... but...
I'm importing from the bbpress plugin. Everything looks like it's working, I get the "finished" from the importer.
But it doesn't look like anything is imported. I don't have any groups nor a default group.
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did you use the right bbpress verison? 1 vs 2, I think...
anything in your error log?
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