Support Forum
Not sure if this is a plugin or a theme related issue but I will start here.
We are using your social plugin for the forum and the like box is not displaying correctly when clicked. See pic.
Any ideas?
Note: we are also having a similar issue when people try to log in with their Iphones, the login screen gets partially covered by the header, making it impossible to login. Not sure if the two are related or not. Thanks for your help with this. AJ
Sadly I am seeing the same thing with the 'Like' button. I do not know if this is us or the share this site which is responsible for the small dialog box but I will open a bug report here to get it looked at...
The logon form IS a conflict between your theme and the forum display. It seems to be a simple z-index issue but the z-index of the theme header is less than the login box so it should display correctly.
I am going to throw this open to @mr-papa and to @ike to se if they can see what might be the cause and of we can change something to get it right.
Strange.. The login form has a very high z-index but the only way I can find of fixing it would be to add:
.nav-block { z-index: 1; }
to the end of your WP themes stylesheet / custom CSS Includes or child theme stylesheet.
It has a z-index of 3 normally, which is still nowhere near the login form z-index.. Either way 1 seems to fix.