Support Forum
Robert Danks: 'Pretty Useless' is a trifle over-dramatic isn't it? All it actually says in the Codex is until the documentation is written up please ask here...
Robb G: The delay was simply I was hoping someone who knew the details might answerr as I have niot looked at it but I will do my best to answer.
Feature topics/posts can be set up in the admin (from the options button against the plugin name) or from the standard forum tools in the forum itself where you will find new additional menu entries.
There are two template tags:
sp_FeaturedTopicsTag() - and sp_FeaturedPostsTag() with the usual and standard shortcode equivalents.
The arguments available for these appear to be the same as for the Recent Posts template tag so it is best use the documentation of that as a guide until the final codex entry is completed.
If I have missed anything or get anythign wrong then I am sure Brandon C or Mr papa will correct it...
no worries - have all been there... we will get the codex updated soon... but like a lot of display elements, they need to be added to your sp theme as Andy says... if we tried to 'auto' place it, guaranteed it would end up in the not desired spot for too many users...
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