Support Forum
Oh dear! Don't need to maker a visit. It is a very simple and very stupid little bug!
When we hanged the checkboxes in version 5.5.4 we had to make sure each one was in a specific format. We changed so many! But it looks like this one slipped through the net.
Do you feel able to make a small and simple code edit? Actually just re-arranging two lines of code?
OK . the file you need to edit is admin/panel-forums./forms/spa-forums-group-permission-form.php
Right - more or less in the middle - of that file are these two lines of code:
<label for="sfadddef"><?php spa_etext('Add to group default permissions'); ?></label> <input type="checkbox" id="sfadddef" name="adddef" />
All you need to do is reverse them so the 'input' line comes first
Our apologies for the problem and for the fact that this one slipped through the net.
Oh gosh! Now I feel stupid. Looks like I asked you to fix the wrong thing and for that I apologise. So let's do it properly this time....
The file you need is actually in the SP plugins folder so - by default - look for the folder
and the file: sp-membership-subscribe-admin-options.php
Change this bit:
<td class="sflabel"><label for="sfmembership_subscribe"><?php echo spa_text('Auto subscribe selected user group to this forum when adding permission'); ?></label> <input type="checkbox" id="sfmembership_subscribe" name="membership_subscribe" /> </td>
<td class="sflabel"> <input type="checkbox" id="sfmembership_subscribe" name="membership_subscribe" /> <label for="sfmembership_subscribe"><?php echo spa_text('Auto subscribe selected user group to this forum when adding permission'); ?></label> <input type="checkbox" id="sfmembership_subscribe" name="membership_subscribe" /> </td>
which just re-arranges those two lines for checkbox and label.
Again - my apologies
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