Support Forum
Maybe they are related - maybe there is more going on... let's deal with the above from the error log first. if you navigate to the forum admin > Integration > Storage Locations - are all of the folders marked as readable and writeable? If no then that would need correcting. If yes then I would advise that the wp-content/sp-resources folder have it's GUID/UID checked and if you are unsure what that is or how to do it then I would ask your host support. it should be the same as that of the parent wp-content folder. This might be the issue.
As to the public side of the site then the good news is that I am seeing no loading conflicts bit I AM seeing some errors. The first is that 'ticker text is undefined'. It looks like the script for this does not check for an empty text string as it should and is thus falling over when there is none. This is a part of the WP theme. Now this might be enough to stop other scripts... not sure. But certainly some of the expected SP scripts are not being actioned.
There is also a warning on the FaceBook connect plugin script but I am not sure of that is enough to stop anything else.
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