Support Forum
Just a little problem since the update,
Whenever I upload an image using the uploader plugin, the resultant post shows the attachment which can be clicked on to open. However, there is no thumbnail present - instead the text "[Image Can Not be found]" is displayed.
I've had a look on the server-side and the _thumbs directory does contain the generated thumbnails.
Any advice would be much appreciated
This one has been worrying me for a little while now. We have had two users before this with the same issue - which makes it extremely rare of course - but the main problem for us is that there is no logical reason for it. we are actually calling a fairly common WordPress function at the point of the issue which seems to fail to respond as expected.
Could you make a small code edit? Hopefully you are able to. This will show us if the problem is the one I am referring to and also will act as a workaround. If so the file you need is /simple-press/sp-api-sp-api-filters.php
It's quite a big file I am afraid and the function we are needing is called sp_format_display_image() which is about two thirds of the way through and starts around line 1174.
# see if we can determine if the image still exists before going further. So is it relative? if (substr($src[1], 0, 7) == 'http://') { $response = wp_remote_get($src[1]); if (is_wp_error($response) || wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response) != 200) { return '['.sp_text('Image Can Not Be Found').']'; } }
Then comment it all out. You can do that by outing a hash # character if front of each line. Save and retry and let me know if this resolves it please.
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