Support Forum
updated this morning and was looking at my sp plugins ans see this at the top of the pluging screen, any ideas?
not sure... neither of those plugins were even updated... did you try reactivating them?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
but those were not even updated... unless you were way out of date from earlier updates...
so what errors are shown in the php error log?
are you now running 5.6.7?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
yes 5.6.7
only thing I am seeing in the error log since the update this morning is this notice
file: /simple-press/sp-startup/forum/sp-forum-support-functions.php
line: 480
function: sp_wp_seo_hooks
Notice | Undefined index: wpseo_og
Not out of date with updates, update everything as soon as it comes out
yeah, just a notice and wont affect anything...
not sure how those plugins became inactive without an update...
so on forum - integration - storage locations, does everything still look good?
and if you look at wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/polls are the files actually inside the directory or is it just empty?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World