Support Forum
i went to my component but could not change link the registration page of the forum to the registration page that i have created.
my main issue is actually to change the forum registration page because i dont like the one given by wordpress, this is why i used a membership plugins.
i still cannot update the plugins in the forum
In regards to the registration, did you take a look at the link Andy posted?
It's actually pretty straight forward and shouldn't take long, but I can see how just looking at the links to functions can seem a bit confusing. I'll outline the process step by step so it should be easier to follow.
First off you will need to create a Child Theme. We offer the frameworks free in the store so download the relevant one for the SP theme you're using (i.e if you're using Default theme, download the Default Child Framework).
Next you will want to copy the head template (spHead.php) from the parent theme's 'templates' folder to your child themes 'templates' folder. Assuming your forum is the one on the website associated with your username then it looks like you're using Default theme, so the path will be wp-content > sp-resources > forum-themes > default > templates > spHead.php.
Then you're going to want to open your newly aquired child themes spHead.php template in an editor or the SP theme editor (WP Dashboard > Forum > Themes > Theme Editor) and locate the function 'sp_RegisterButton' on line 94. As the Codex states it has a 'link' argument for adding your own URL, if you were to add it in the function would look something like:
sp_RegisterButton('tagClass=spButton spRight&link=', __sp('Register'), __sp('Register'));
So you can replace the entire function with that and change the URL to be whatever you need, and when you click the register button that's where it will take you.
Hope that helps!
after many attempts i have managed to install the forum, thanks god for that. it was fine until today for 2 reason:
1. i have installed profile builder plugins because i did not want people to go thru wordpress registration everything was fine i have connected both, the plugin and the forum but could not find anywhere to link the lost password with the forum .that makes difficult for people to recover their password. is there a registration plugins that you could advise that connect well with simple press? what plugin most of your clients use to registrer new user?
2. the second problem that i have encountered is that everytime i open my wordpress dashboard to check the forum the first page i click on doesn't go away even if i change topic. for example i open integration and then try to open user group, the integration page will be stuck there. nothing else will open i will be stuck with the integration page it doesn't swift when i swift option.
kindly advise
registration is part of WP... so perhaps there are videos covering that - not sure... same for password recovery... we simply provide the wp forms/links for doing the same within the forum...
also any plugin would need to connect with it, not simple press.. we just use the users and registrations from wp... but we have heard that folks like theme my login...
if you dont like the forum providing the wp forms/links, you could just disable them or remove and just use the stock wp ones...
as to the wp admin, please check your browser console and see if any errors are reported...
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With regard to your admin problem then you almost certainly have some javascript that is causing an error and stopping other scripts from working. If you turn the web console on in your browser to view script errors and then try and change the admin page you should see any errors displayed in the console. You can let is know what they say.
For help with using the console please see this FAQ:
On the question of a 'registration video' then no - we do not have anything. But perhaps you are a little confused. Registration is nothing to do with Simple;Press. People register on your website NOT the forum. This is all a part of the WordPress environment and core. SP is just a forum plugin that extends WordPress like any other plugin.
We do offer a registration button as a convenience. But this can be removed via the login and registration options. I am guessing that most users just use the Wp registration form although I know there are also many who use plugins like 'Theme My Login' for example