Support Forum
Made the change. First I got:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '|', expecting ')' in /problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/suomenor/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simple-press/sp-startup/forum/sp-forum-support-functions.php on line 552
Then changed the code back and tried again with '|'. This time it went through. No more missing argument errors.
But, still cannot upload images:
tietokannan virhe = database error
[29-Sep-2014 09:45:32 Europe/Helsinki] WordPress-tietokannan virhe Table 'suomenor_wp52.qbi_sfpostattachments' doesn't exist kyselylle SELECT topic_id FROM qbi_sfpostattachments WHERE topic_id IN (2) Tekijä: require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-includes/template-loader.php'), include('/themes/Divi/page.php'), the_content, apply_filters('the_content'), call_user_func_array, sp_render_forum, sp_process_template, sp_load_template, include('/sp-resources/forum-themes/default/templates/spForumView.php'), sp_this_forum, spForumView->__construct, spForumView->sp_forumview_query, apply_filters('sph_forumview_combined_data'), call_user_func_array, sp_plupload_forumview_query, sp_plupload_do_forumview_query, spdb_select
[29-Sep-2014 09:45:42 Europe/Helsinki] WordPress-tietokannan virhe Table 'suomenor_wp52.qbi_sfpostattachments' doesn't exist kyselylle SELECT * FROM qbi_sfpostattachments WHERE post_id IN (10,9,6,5,4) Tekijä: require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-includes/template-loader.php'), include('/themes/Divi/page.php'), the_content, apply_filters('the_content'), call_user_func_array, sp_render_forum, sp_process_template, sp_load_template, include('/sp-resources/forum-themes/default/templates/spTopicView.php'), sp_this_topic, spTopicView->__construct, spTopicView->sp_topicview_query, apply_filters('sph_topicview_combined_data'), call_user_func_array, sp_plupload_post_records, sp_plupload_do_post_records, spdb_table, spdb_select
Made the change. No more “missing argument 2 for sp_setup…” errors.
However, I still couldn't upload images and the database error existed (because of the missing images?)
Deleted all forums and made a new one.
Plupload still not working. "Start upload" button does not respond.
as I mentioned, fixing your other plugin/theme issue for the error will have no impact on the file uploading...
if the button is non responsive, its going to come down to js conflict... do you have link to site so we can check for obvious error?
is this sp 5.5.1? the db error seem to indicate you are missing a key db table... do you see a wp_sfpostattachments table in your db? your wp db prefix might be other than wp_
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Progress made, I found a plugin that conflicts with Plupload. After removing it, the image upload works!
However, I still keep getting those "Invalid database inquiry" messages every time I read a forum topic.
No, I do not see any wp_sfpostattachments table, but qbi_sfposts contains the newly uploaded image files
This is 5.5.1
Here is the link: - site not published yet
The login details are in a PM for Papa
Thank you for your patience with this!
php_errorlog shows:
[30-Sep-2014 20:34:05 Europe/Helsinki] WordPress-tietokannan virhe Table 'suomenor_wp52.qbi_sfpostattachments' doesn't exist kyselylle SELECT topic_id FROM qbi_sfpostattachments WHERE ...
No... sfposts will not contain any images... it contains only the post content... it may contain some html img tags, but no uploaded images (semantics perhaps)...
so if uploads are occurring are they showing in posts? complete with the the attachments box below the post with links to the attachments?
With the error and missing table, I highly doubt it... The image may be uploading and an html img tag to it generated in the content, but you probably dont have the real attachment... it is only stored in the sfpostattachments table...
so something went amiss on your server at install or upgrade and the script that creates the table errored out... to get rid of the error and really get attachments, you will have to manually create that table...
what version of file uploader?? want to make sure its the latest...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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