Support Forum
I am getting an error when trying to upload/send files in PM's. Text files (.txt, .rtf) aren't working at all and image files (.jpg, .png) will send the image but the link to download the file doesn't show up in the PM. File uploads in posts works. Here's the error I'm getting from the log-
line: 26
function: sp_save_pm
error: Unknown column 'sender_id' in 'field list'
INSERT INTO wp_sfpmattachments (sender_id, attachments) VALUES (1, 'a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"type";s:4:"file";s:3:"loc";s:71:"/ and so on
Any suggestions are appreciated
Updated the private message plugin and it seems to be working now
I do have another question
In the members list how can I get rid of the post count from showing up? I found this piece of code in spHead.php though all I see is the last visit line. Am I looking in the wrong spot?
sp_MemberButton('tagClass=spButton spRight', __sp('Members'), __sp('View the members list'));
sp_LastVisitLabel('tagClass=spLabelSmall spRight', __sp('Last visited %LASTVISIT%'));
The members list display uses the sp_MembersView.php template.
If you take a look at that template - and it really is logical if you spend a few moments with it - you will see all of the columns defined that make up the display. The post count column is performed by the function sp_MemberListPostCount(). Like I say - pretty logical!
So you could simply remove that column section of code. The only problem that will give you is that now the display will not fill the space. if you look at each column (sp_ColumnStart) you will see that each column is given a width. So you will want to make some of those bigger to fill the space. Bear in mind it is always best to lket it all add up to 100% or st lerast close - i.e., 98% or 99%.
As always we recommend that you create your own SP theme so that any customisation is not lost during a future update. (
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