Support Forum
I misread the mark as unread Icon and marked a post as unread. I now can't find it and my inbox always indicates that I have an unread message. Could we have a flag that shows when a thread contains and unread message, also a flag on the actual message and perhaps a mark as read option.
Finally if I wanted to change Inbox button to read "PM" instead of "Inbox" where could I do that? My users feel that the button opens the PM system and not just the inbox so it may be a more appropriate label.
Not fussed personally
change the text title in your template file where you call it...
the thread is bolded when there is an unread post in it...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
In the spHead template. The button label is in there. For future reference everything that appears on all forum pages 'above' the forum area itself is in spHead. Same for spFoot at the bottom.
if you have an unread item then it should be highlighted in another colour down the left. And - as Steve said, displayed in bold. Do you not have one like that? Assuming you do then simply click on it.
Why have an unread flag? I suppose it depends how you use PM's. Here, for example, we often ask a user to send us login details in a PM and despite askign them to include a site ur and a link to the forum topic with a brief description of the problem many seem unable to do that. So you end up reading the PM - diving back to the forum to get more information and want to return to the PM later and having it show up in the button in the header is a reminder of that.
pm sent... but I think you are misunderstanding read vs unread... when I send you a pm, you go to inbox to view... and if the only unread, it will be first in list... so you will now be viewing it and any unread indication (ie bolding) will be removed...
so I also sent a second one so the original first will stay unread when you visit the inbox...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
just to clarify, its not a bolding... its the thread background on left... white is read... dark blue is current selected thread... and light blue is an unread thread...
but an unread thread changes to white (read) when clicked, including the first thread when you go to inbox...
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