Support Forum
Hey Ryan,
This is normally caused by something in the theme interfering with the z-index of the popups / forum content pane, but normally using a default WP theme would fix the problem. Is this a custom forum theme? Or one of the standard?
Are you familiar with the browser inspector? If so, inspect the popup and using the console find the very first instance of the popup container which should be ui-dialog {
Within the class you should see z-index:
Try changing the figure to something like 100, 200 etc until the popup appears at the front. If this resolves the problem you would need to add the new z-index value to your theme.
We always recommend you make a child or custom theme if you are making any changes so they are preserved when updating, but see if changing it in the console works first, and if so - if you need any further help creating a child theme just ask.
One of the defaults / no custom css changes made yet.
I am familiar w/ the element inspector in chrome, but not the z-index...
*does stuff - few minutes later...*
Ok got the css path: body > div.ui-dialog.ui-widget.ui-widget-content.ui-corner-all.ui-front.spDialogDefault.ui-draggable.ui-resizable
I think that's correct - only simple forums related z-index value on page.
where would i change the value for this?
PS - I should also note that I can't target these pop-up windows at all either.
do you have a link where we can see this issue ourselves and inspect?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
sure thing: http://www.straighttothepint.c.....rum-rules/
Edit: Sorry wrong link - polls aren't enabled there, here is the correct link: http://www.straighttothepint.c.....esomeness/
so yea, like Ike said, your theme has a z-index on something called shift nav that is 250 which is more than our dialog...
so you need to adjust the dialog index in the sp theme... look for this rule:
and change the z-index from 10 to 1000 (or anything < 250)...
as always, we strongly recommend you make a child theme or your own sp theme to keep from losing changes on updates to our themes...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Sure... But I am using a default theme ( default > shades-of-gray ) with no modifications...I also tried another theme and different wordpress theme for what it's worth. said shift nav? That is my mobile wordpress menu plugin! Let me try disabling that...quick.
Disabled it and now the "add a poll" feature works...should have known to try disabling wp plugins by now in troubleshooting!
Well thanks for the quick response & support!
Could you be more specific on the value i'd have to adjust? I'm not sure where i'd edit that "rule"....
No... as I said, dont edit our themes directly... you will lose your changes on updates...
make a child theme:
or your own theme:
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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