Support Forum
I like to compliment for the Simple:Press wordpress plugin and forum's plugins.
Just superb I'm very pleased.
I would appreciate if I can tweak the following situations:
1st situation:
In the Forum breadcrumbs usually we have:
arrow + Home - arrow+Forum - arrow + etc
I would like to remove the initial arrow + home link
2nd situation:
When I created the widget related to the Template Tags plugin
in there on the display order I used the DT options (date and topic link)
but when I see the widget in action, the date and the links are next to each other>
I was hoping by inserting a <br> or n code between the DT (like D<br>or n T) to include on the first line the date and on the next line the topic link.
Any idea how (if that is possible) to get this modification?
Many thanks in advance
PS Is there any chance to get the theme used in this forum?
for breadcrumbs, please see:
via the arguments, you can remove the home link...
for widget, see:
you can specify arguments/problem-with-post-edit-buttontml to use before/after items like date/topic...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Thanks Mr. Papa for your prompt reply.
Since I installed Simple:Press and plugin I noticed no MORE PORTAL REGISTRATION.
Before the user where forced to register via a Sexy_Login widget .
With that widget users could register in seconds (whiteout popup windows) and above all they were in
condition to enter a password of their choice.
But now I try to register (via Sexy_login widget) and every time i di get this:
ERROR: Form not filled by human hands.
Obviously once disabled that widget a reinstated the default META version all is back to normal......
But disabling that super widget the user are going trough a prolonged login and registration way.
In case the widget is not suitable due to incompatibilities could you recommend a login/register widgret?
But for obvious reasons as first option I prefer to reuse that Sexy_Login widget.
Your help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
you can use whatever you want.... all registrations and logins take place through wp.. sp does not have a registration or login system... we do put a link to the wp registration and show a wp login form, but if you dont want them, just remove them... whenever you are logged into wp, you have forum access since there is not a separate login system...
in your sp theme, just remove the template tags that display the register link and login form from the template file being displayed, in this case, spHead.php
sp_LogInOutButton('tagClass=spButton spRight', __sp('Log In'), __sp('Log Out'), __sp('Log in and log out')); sp_RegisterButton('tagClass=spButton spRight', __sp('Register'), __sp('Register'));
of course, make sure its your sp theme and not one of ours to keep from losing changes on updates...
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