Support Forum
Thanks for the file.
Installed tonight and had a few problems. I assumed it would be some js conflict so I removed the plugin, deactivated all my other WP plugins except SP and tried again.
Still having the same issue.
After activating Post By Email, Plugin page looks like the attachment
I also get two entries in the error log
file: sfsquad/public_html/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/post-by-email-beta07/sp-email-post-plugin.php
line: 108
function: sp_emailpost_uninstall_option
Warning | include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '/problem-with-post-edit-buttonome2/lsfsquad/public_html/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/post-by-email/sp-email-post-install.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib64/php:/usr/lib/php:/usr/share/pear')
file: sfsquad/public_html/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/post-by-email-beta07/sp-email-post-plugin.php
line: 108
function: sp_emailpost_uninstall_option
Warning | include_once(/problem-with-post-edit-buttonome2/lsfsquad/public_html/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/post-by-email/sp-email-post-install.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Am I doing something obviously wrong!??
Yellow Swordfish said
You appear to have this installed in a folder called 'post-by-email-beta07'. That was the name of the zip file but the folder it unzips to is just 'post-by-email'.
Thank you! Sorted, I knew it would be something simple! I'll have a play with the plugin and let you know if I run into any problems.
Seem to have hit a bit of a wall.
As far as I am aware I have IMAP installed and enabled in my PHP
I have my server details:
imap -> port 143
imap (SSL) -> port 993
pop3 -> port 110
pop3 (SSL) -> port 995
Now obiously if I use either of the imap server details I get errors are below:
file: sfsquad/public_html/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/post-by-email/library/sp-email-post-process.php
line: 59
function: Unavailable
Warning | imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {}INBOX
However, if I use the pop3 details, I get no errors and no information recorded in the email log - I assume connection is OK. However I know there are new emails in the specified inboxes but these aren't appearing either.
Go to the forum admin > Toolbox > Cron panel and check that the email task is set to run. if it is it will appear in the bottom panel in bold along with the next time of execution.
If it is NOT shown then deactivate the PBE plugin (do NOT uninstall it) and the reactivate it and take another look.
Yellow Swordfish said
Go to the forum admin > Toolbox > Cron panel and check that the email task is set to run. if it is it will appear in the bottom panel in bold along with the next time of execution.If it is NOT shown then deactivate the PBE plugin (do NOT uninstall it) and the reactivate it and take another look.
Thanks Yellow,
Yes it is listed in Active Cron
I have 3 email addresses set up. Each with new emails in them from an admin and a moderator (with permissions set)
sph_emailpost_cron is running every 5 minutes currently to speed things up.
I have now had 1 successful topic started from one of the moderator emails (but not any of the others!). However this topic has had 8 replies already (about a minute apart) which are all a duplication of the original email.
Two other things I have noticed:
- In the SP user profiles that there isn't a second email address option like suggested in the Codex.
- The email post which has come through has a blank "Last Post" area in the forum view.
If there is no last post data AND you are getting duplicates AND there are no entries in the post by email log then it sounds to me like the process of importing the emails and creating the post etc., is getting interrupted prior to finishing and prior to deleting the original email and writing out the log entry.
Did you get any related errors in the SP error log?
You should find the secondary email under the profile Account Settings tab. is it really not there?