Support Forum
So I have PBE configured correctly, I think. Test Mail Server Connection works, and I can create a post via email just fine.
And when a user posts to a forum I am subscribed to, I get the PBE message with the formatting to reply back to the forum.
So far, so good.
But this email is actually coming from the default email for the site (, and it seems like the From/Reply-To address should really be the same as the mailbox used to deliver it.
Because when I reply, it's just going to go to and won't make it back into the forum's mailbox, and so will never get posted to the forum.
I also had the Forum/Options/Email Settings/EMail Address Settings turned on originally, and while that does let me specify the from address and name for the messages, it also is global like, and therefore not forum-specific, and so suffers the same problem.
Does this make sense or am I missing something big here in the configuration?
Yes, I just checked. There is no Reply-To in the message headers at all, to any address. When I click Reply, it's addressing the message back to the global address (the From header value).
sorry, I dont think you understood Andy's question...
for each forum, you have to specify the email address to use for post by email... go to forum - forums - manage groups and forums... edit each forum and see what you have in the unique post by email address... there is one per forum...
and you need to have created that email address to on your server...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Specifically, the 'Unqiue Post by Email Address for this forum:' (sic) setting, right?
Yes, those are set with one mailbox per forum (for the two forums I am testing with), and I believe that the Test Mail Server Connection button in Forum/Options/Email Settings/Post By Email Settings uses at least one of the forum mailboxes to perform its test, doesn't it?
and I assume those email addresses actually exist?
sounds like you might be on shared hosting? wp uses that default address... you can change it on forum - options - email... to be something better...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Yes, the addresses actually exist.
Hosting on WPEngine, which is sort of shared from what I understand, but not like your typical shared setup. The global email address it is using is actually my domain, so it's not like a generic address or something.
Anyway, I had already changed the addresses on forum options as you suggest, before I reported this issue.
What else can I check?
No, I don't think so. I went through some of the code and tested a few ideas after turning on debug.log.
This is interesting. I found the sp_subscriptions_do_post_notification() function in sp-subscriptions-components.php and added a bit of code just after $replyto gets assigned. Logging the output, I saw that $replyto was blank, and so added the forum e-mail lookup. This appears to work on my first test, but surely $replyto would be assigned in this fashion anyway, wouldn't it?
$msg = apply_filters('sph_subscriptions_notification_email', $msg, $newpost, $user);
# send the notification
$replyto = apply_filters('sph_subscriptions_email_replyto', '');
/* <cc20130122 changes> */
error_log("sp_subscriptions_do_post_notification replyto is {$replyto}\n");
if($replyto == "")
$replyto = spdb_table(SFFORUMS, 'forum_id='.$newpost['forumid'], 'forum_email');
error_log("sp_subscriptions_do_post_notification replyto was blank, now is {$replyto}\n");
/* </cc20130122 changes> */
$subject = apply_filters('sph_subscriptions_email_subject', __('Forum Post', 'sp-subs').' - '.get_option('blogname').': ['.$topicname.']', $newpost, $user);
$email_status = sp_send_email($email, $subject, $msg, $replyto);
if (!$sent && $email_status[0]) $sent = true;
debug.log output:
[22-Jan-2013 20:13:09] sp_subscriptions_do_post_notification replyto is
[22-Jan-2013 20:13:09] sp_subscriptions_do_post_notification replyto was blank, now is
[22-Jan-2013 20:13:09] sp_subscriptions_do_post_notification replyto is
[22-Jan-2013 20:13:09] sp_subscriptions_do_post_notification replyto was blank, now is
The newly assigned email address is the address defined in forum options.
Also curious, and perhaps related, is the fact that there are four lines logged here like the function is being called twice on a single post.
In the email itself, there are also two sets of reply instructions (and has been ever since I've been working the issue--it was doing this before I changed any code, in other words).
[-- To reply by email insert your text above this line - instructions below --]
[-- To reply by email insert your text above this line - instructions below --]
So I wonder if it is somehow getting confused by the fact that my account is a forum subscriber, forum moderator, and administrator all at once?