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Ok... I created 17 different email addresses for 17 different forums with the same password.
I put the email address in every single forum under forum management and saved.
I went to email options, put in the password, and set my gmail settings as follows:
port 465
Use SSL is checked.
I am not able to complete test authentication. I also have this pink box:
Your PHP installation does not include the IMAP library which means post-by-email can not try to retrieve attachments from emails and any attachments may cause the post to fail
thanks guys
first, the imap message is pretty self explanatory... your php install does not include the imap extension... so you wont be able to have attachments in the emails.. if that is important, talk with your host about getting imap extension added to php...
Why port 465 for gmail? that is normally an outgoing port... you want the incoming port... normally 993 for gmail... but perhaps I am mixing pop and imap here - havent used pop in long time... worth a try anyways...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
imap is just a protocol/standard for email handling, as is pop3.. we use it for including file attachments... if you dont need attachments in post by email, you do not have to have imap...
you would need to ask your host to recompile php with the imap extension included...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I don't think that I need file attachments in reply by email. Since gmail is responsible for my mail, I would have to configure gmail as imap and not pop, correct?
Would the response completely fail if there was an attachment involved? I thought that the only difference between pop and imap was how the message was stored on the server. Would my mailboxed jsut get piled up?
I don't even care if they do... I pay for my email with google... they can store whatever I tell them to!
No, there is no real difference between storage... there can be but not the key... main difference is kind of like push vs pull... imap keeps your clients up to date with latest email... with pop3, you have to pull the email down... of course, other diffs too...
No, without the imap extensions for php, you cannot use imap to receive email either... so you will need to pop settings... I just wasnt sure the port and what not were correct...
you might search this site for other topics where we helped folks get gmail email working with pbe... it can be non standard...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
As I have stated many times before and as written up in the codex page on this plugin - it uses POP3 protocols and needs the POP3 port and credentials. The php IMAP functions have nothing to do with the actual protocols used by this plugin which are always POP3. The php IMAP library is just badly named and there is nothing I can do about that.
I believe the gMail POP3 port is usually 995.
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