Support Forum
When the Post Thanks plugin is active on a forum, would it be possible for users to unthank someone they'd previously thanked? It would be useful if they'd clicked in error, or the OP had edited their post.
It wouldn't need a separate Unthank button, just the means to click it again to remove the thanks. Is this possible, and has it ever been considered as a feature request?
its already there... if a user has thanked a post, the thank button turns into an unthank button...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Ah right. Not on my site it doesn't. I assume this is a JS conflict. How can I check and troubleshoot it?
My forum:
No, not a js issue at all.... its just normal php display code... it would be on subsequent page loads that the button is just rendered differently...
I can try to run some tests later tonight and make sure its still working properly...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
That's interesting. I've reloaded several pages and the unthank option doesn't appear. I'm not using any caching plugins. If you can shed any light on it I'd be grateful. PM me if you want login details for my site.
Whoa! my bad... I am mistaken... you cannot unthank a post currently... I was thinking of the thank button changing to thanked... and the unthank was relatively fresh in my mind because it was requested a couple months back...
so we have a ticket to add that functionality, but no ETA currently...
sorry for the confusion...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
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