Support Forum
Here are three problems I am experiencing with SP Private Message system, all are unrelated I believe.
1. PM count isn't refreshing.
Every new message received appears in the PM box but the PM number counter (ex: Inbox: 88) does not decrease when PM are read. As a result, the message number is now just increasing and I have no way to get it back to zero and know about just the real number of new messages.
The first two issues appeared a few months ago, as far as I can remember I think it was just fine before. The only unusual thing that comes to my mind is I upgraded the PM plugin quite late and used the old one (the one that has a completely different layout) for a long time. I wonder if this created an issue in the database or something like that.
All my software is up to date, versions: WP 3.6.1, SP 5.3.4, all SP plugins are up to date (PM plugin=2.0.7)
Thank you.
as to counts, thus far cannot duplicate... are you seeing any errors in the browser console when you read messages? when a thread is loaded, every message in the thread is marked read and the count should be decreased..
same on #2 - cannot duplicate... one of the early 2.0.x versions was an explicit release that corrected this problem... have not seen it since or has it been reported again before now... is this any reply you receive to a message or just some?
well of course, it will be slower if you have hundred of pms, but that would just be loading of inbox.. not sure how sending a pm would be slower once its loaded... or are you really still just referring to the inbox load time
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#1 I'll haven't yet checked the javascript console for errors, I will have a look and report.
#2 I think it's all of them, at least I've noted the problem on 5 or so replies from the last weeks.
#3: What I referred to sending a PM is the whole process, that actually refreshes the PM page and reloads the whole Inbox afterwards which takes ~1m15s for the hundreds of messages in my inbox. Having the Inbox optimized or getting an archive folder where messages from the Inbox could be moved and would be loaded only on demand in the PM system would be nice to have.
an archive box of some sort is what came to mind for me too, but still complex to implement...
can you check something else? when on the inbox page, how many threads do you see listed in the pm quicklinks? and does its order follow the thread order in the inbox?
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I just checked part of the "private-messaging" plugin source code and I noticed the read_status is used when sorting the list of PM thread, so I realize the fact this is not working for me (problem #1) impacts the list of sorted messages in the Inbox (problem #2). Until a better solution comes out, I'll probably update the read_status by hand so at least I get proper thread ordering and PM count in my Inbox.
I am having some troubles to get a clear understanding of JS console errors when viewing messages. I'm accepting any help if you want to check on my forum.
I haven't counted precisely the number if threads in the pm quicklinks, it's like 30 of them. It seems the height of the list is limited by the window size and I noticed that the last 10 threads at the bottom of the list don't have the
Thank you for your help.
Edit: I just ran this query to set all admin PMs as read.
UPDATE wp_sfpmrecipients set read_status=1 WHERE user_id=1;
Actually, the PM count is now correct showing Inbox: 0, but the list of threads in the Inbox is still not showing in the correct order as I was expecting.
So as far as #1 goes it sounds like Steve probably nailed it when he said that the read_status is not getting updated when you read a PM (thread). So yes - need to look in the console. Basically have the console set to show script errors and probably nothing else. Run the system and see what pops up in the console. Copy and paste the result to this thread.
The balloon beside a PM in the QuickLinks has exactly the same purpose as the main forum QuickLinks in that it shows a thread with a new post. No balloon - no new post in that thread.
I will need to check the code and check with Steve but I think the sort order of PM threads is like forum topics. The one with the most recent activity is the one at the top etc... Does this not tally with what you are seeing?
I am glad that SP team is planning to add the necessary features in the PM system as listed in these tickets:
- 0004028: [General] add pagination to pm inbox threads
- 0004580: [General] folders support
- 0004579: [General] Sorting options for inbox
Hopefully developement will happen in a not too far future, I did request similar things about a year ago.
Also, about David's comments above:
David Norman said [...]
My PM inbox by these individual criteria: latest mail received; forum member. This would make it easier for me to see when different members reply to my PMs and how long ago, and which are active conversations I am having.
My PM Inbox contains about 3000 messages and it's not easy to work with, specially with current sorting criteria.
As for improving current thread sorting in the Inbox, I made a small fix to sort by "Received" date, so old PM threads getting a recent reply get bump at the top of the PM thread list.
I changed the following file private-messaging/library/sp-pm-threads-class.php in the plugins dir:
Changing line:
$spdb->orderby = 'read_status ASC, thread_id DESC, message_id DESC';
$spdb->orderby = 'read_status ASC, sent_date DESC, thread_id DESC, message_id DESC';
I am interested in SP team opinion on such change and if it make sense, maybe it can be considered to be adopted as default sort criteria in future PM plug-in update.
I too would like to see some of the enhancements - just a matter of bodies and time!
as to your ordering, I would need to try it out to give an honest opinion and make sure no knocks, but on the surface, seems to make sense... we sort by thread id since they tend to be date ordered as well, but I can see where a newer message in an older thread could bubble up higher...
will talk it over and try it out to see how it goes...
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