Support Forum
Sorry but I don't think as standard you can decide which groups can receive PM's and which groups can't.. That doesn't mean it cant be achieved.
This might seem a little bit long winded, so please bare with me here!
First off, find 'Private Messaging system' in your SP plugins list and click 'options'. In these options you want to check the box that says 'Only allow sending of PMs from Send PM button on posts. You will not be able to address PMs from the PM compose panel.' Make sure its ticked- and update.
This as stated, will NOT allow users to PM people from there buddy list, or by name, and only allow PM's to be sent through the 'send PM' button that appears at the top of each post in the actions list (along with delete, edit, quote etc)
You will need to then open your 'spTopicView.php' template, find the function 'sp_PostIndexSendPm' and after the function you will see
('tagClass=spButton spRight', __sp('PM') - etc etc
Add another class to the tagClass of something like spPMbutton, so it will read
('tagClass=spButton spRight spPMbutton', __sp('PM') - etc etc
You've now made it so people can only PM through the PM button on a post, and you have given that PM button it's own class so we can change that class without it affecting the other buttons.
Here's where it gets specific. Each post made on the forum is defined by who posted it, a post from an admin will include the class spType-Admin, and a post from a user will contain spType-User. These classes can be used to change the appearance of that specific usergroup's posts using CSS.
You will then want to create 2 new lines in your stylesheet. If you are using the Default theme, this will be in forum-themes > default > styles > default.php
You will want to add:
#spMainContainer .spType-Admin .spPostActionSection .spPMbutton { display: inline; } #spMainContainer .spPostActionSection .spPMbutton { display: none }
What this does, is allow the PM button for spType-Admin to show, and because the second line doesn't specify a usergroup, will NOT display the PM button for ANY other group, allowing people to only PM admins.
So there you go. Told you it was long winded, but does what you want. People will only PM admins. You can of course add other usergroups that you want people to be able to PM such as moderators (spType-Moderator) by adding their usergroup to the CSS like:
#spMainContainer .spType-Admin .spPostActionSection .spPMbutton,
#spMainContainer .spType-Moderator .spPostActionSection .spPMbutton{
display: inline;
Hope this helps
clever indeed!
but do need to point out that doesnt prevent the other folks from emailing each other, but hides the button that enables them to do so... advanced users might discover how to unhide the button and could still email others...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Very true. I suppose it is as close as it's going to get to achieve what Ozge wants.
And I forgot to add, If you want to make these changes, you really want to create your own child theme..
See creating a theme and child themes to preserve changes
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