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Actually Post by Email didnt show danish caracters properly before the update. but some time ago you provided me with a single line of php-code and everything was shown right. Thank you.
A short while ago things stopped to work properly. I didnt change a thing, but the errors with danish caracteres returned and some obscure faults when logging in to my wp-installation surfaced. I think the reason was my webhotel changed the setup to get Wordpress to work better and get better protected against attacks.
Anyway, now I upgraded everything, so now it is Wordpress 3.6.1 Danish Simple:Press 5.3.1 Post by Email 1.1.2
The logon issue is solved. The problem with Post By Email is not.
The case: I wrote a message to my forum. It looked like this:
Subject: Test af æ og ø og å
Text: Måske virker det bedre nu med æ, ø, å, Æ, Ø og Å
Fingre og tæer krydses
Mvh Tyge Fogh
Venter endnu.... prøver at stave bestyrelse med l...
At the forum it looks like this:
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Test=20af=20=E6=20og=20=F8=20og?==?iso-8859-1?Q?=20=E5?=
Text: Måske virker det bedre nu med æ, ø, å, Æ, Ø og Å Fingre og tæer krydses Mvh Tyge Fogh Venter endnu…. prøver at stave bestyrelse med l…
Problem 1: Now i get danish caracters shown properly in the text but not in the subject line. I have not yet tested if the same thing happens if you answer a post by email, but suspect the same thing will happen.
Problem 2: As you can see, all my [CR]s just get removed and alle my text is shown continously in one line. Copying this text from notepad(old and trustworthy) the reason presented itself: When a sentence is not ended with a '.', TinyMCE ignores the [cr]. In notepad i made a new line for every version in this sentence "Wordpress 3.6.1 Danish Simple:Press 5.3.1 Post by Email 1.1.2". The [cr]s has just automatically been removed. But if i write directly in TinyMCE i can make [cr]s without ending my sentences with a '.' But my email didnt change? There is something to cure, I think.
And yes, we can make some experiments with a line or two of php-code. I hope you will.
Sincerely Tyge Fogh
going to have to let Andy weigh in on this one... I am unsure if he is gone for the night (in UK) yet or not... If so, he will get to it in the AM...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I can see that the subject line issue is something to solve and will open a ticket this morning to get that fixed up.
I am a but lost in the second part though. You seem to be suggesting that tinyMCE does not honour a cr/lf if the previous sentence did not end with a full-stop/period. Is that right? I don't get this and don't see what tinyMCE has to do with it. Sorry but you have confused me... where are you seeing these sentences with no cr/lf...?
Transferring text from one wordprocessor to another often results in lost formatting. Transferring text from Windows notepad to Word to TinyMCE gives correct cr's. Transferring text from Windows notepad to TinyMCE gives the fault as illustrated in the text. Anyway, i dont think these problems is worth much bother. You cant bring every wordprocessor to understand each other. And I will just write directly in TinyMCE or correct bad translation if i transfer text from otherplaces. So forget the second part.
Since I can bring up another issue concerning Post By Email
Autoanswers to subscribed emails clutters up forum and has to be deleted manually. I suggest you put a testline at the top of the subscribed emails. A testline that has to be removed before answering an email. Simple:Press should recognice this line and delete mails still containing it. There might be more sofisticated ways to solve this issue, but this one is simple and will Work.
Sincerely Tyge Fogh
There is already a 'testline' in the reply for users to remove content after to reduce the clutter.. but we dont delete the email if that line is not removed.. seems kind of harsh...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Ok. Some decisions have to be made.
Concerning Danish characteres: Now my site is back to normal. Meaning Post By Email cant handle Danish characters, neither in the subjectfield or the textfield.
It really looks awfull and answers to a topic is posted as a new topic with titles like =?iso-8859-1?Q?Test=20af=20=E6=20og=20=F8=20og?==?iso-8859-1?Q?=20=E5?=
I think I will turn Post By Email off. As it functions now, it is close to useless.
But if it worked, it is a very usefull plugin, så please correct it.
Tyge Fogh
A while ago, before the last version of Post By Email, you provided me with a fix. Afterwards everything seemed ok with Danish characters. But something happened. My host,, changede something in the setup for wordpress installations to protect against brute force attacks. One result is you cant logon to forum directly from a mail but get an error 403. This can be solved simply by choosing "remember username and code" on the pc. Then linking directly to a specific codeprotected page like forum works. Another result might be reapperance of the problem with danish characters. A theory. Not necessarily true.
Back to Post By Email. I did some recearch. Checked the fix is included in the new version of PBE. It is
Posted a message from my Win7 pc to my forum. It looks like this on the forum (Topic/Text):
=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E6=F8=E5=C6=D8=C5?= / æøåÆØÅ OK ??????
Posted a message from Samsung Mobile. It looks like this
=?ISO-8859-1?B?5uX4xsXY?= / æåøÃà Ã
(æåøÆÅØ on the Samsung)
So different sources make different results on the forum...
This might not be easy solveable i think. And not necessarily a fault in Post By Email
Right now i will turn off PBE. The resulting posts are unbearable to look at.
But please let me know if you want me to help with some testing
Tyge Fogh
This is starting to creep outside of my area of knowledge but I am wondering if you have some sort of clash of text encoding between your email, your site and your database. Maybe finding out what it is that your host has done/changed would be helpful in establishing that...
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