Support Forum
I installed the latest version of S:P a few weeks ago, and only just realized that I needed the additional S:P plugins to regain WYSIWYG functionality, images, etc.
Okay, no problem -- I paid my $99 and followed the instructions to install the plugins I wanted. However, the reply function does not seem to work anymore. When I click (or even mouse over) the "Add Reply" button, all I get is a javascript:void(null) at the bottom of my browser window.
??? Am I missing something?
Thanks for any help you can offer. My poor members are kinda frozen until this reply issue is solved. 🙁
Odd but good news.
if you are using the default theme then you need to edit the overlay file that you are using. You can do this with the theme editor.
In the top block you will find the entry $mainFontSize which is set to 100%. You can increase the percentage and this will globally up the font size on the forum.
As always we recommend that you create your own SP theme so that any customisation is not lost during a future update. (
Thanks for the info! Question: what do you mean by "in the top block"? Would that be in the default.php file (assuming I'm using the default theme -- which I gather from the codex would be mythemename.php if I make my own theme)?
The only instance of $mainFontSize that I can find is here (inside default.php):
#spMainContainer {
color: <?php echo($mainBackGroundColor); ?>;
background: <?php echo($mainBackGround); ?>;
border: <?php echo($mainBackGroundBorder); ?>;
font-family: <?php echo($mainFontFamily); ?>;
font-size: <?php echo($mainFontSize); ?>;
line-height: <?php echo($mainLineHeight); ?>;
<?php echo($smallRadius); ?>
padding: 1px;
I don't see where this is set to 100%.
You would change that in whichever overlay file you are using with your theme. The red one, blue one, silver one, etc.
good news. thanks for the update.
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