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I have the Share This plugin loaded, but... I have no idea where it is? I can't see it? I would think it would show up when you right a post/or response? Any ideas?
P.s. Any idea how to get my fonts bolder like on this forum?
I sent an email to Ike for help, but if anyone knows the trick would appreciate it, or I can just wait for Ike to hopefully respond when his schedule permits. Thanks 🙂
I tried to figure it out, I am not sure, but.. I would think it might need to be changed here?
But.. not sure 🙂
fonts bolder where? which text elements... surely, you cannot mean every text item (some are already bold).. might need to target the specific elements you are interested in...
if that is truly what you want, you could set the reset css for font-weight to bold instead of normal... that is in the reset file of the parent theme, but you could copy those elements into your child theme and do there...
or do you really just want to increase the size of your basic font which also will have appearance of darkening the font itself...
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Hi Mr. Papa,
Ike provided me the child them for the reboot to be like this forum minus the icons. However, my site is seeming like the font size is smaller (definitely) and the Forum topics are not as bold either. Other than that, I LOVE it, I feel that I am 99.999% there. Ike was very gracious and kind to help me out. And now, if I could just get the text a tiny bit bigger in the section like I am typing now and the forum topics in BOLD like you have. If this is an extra charge, I will definitely pay for it and then I am set for good with this great product. My forum is an example of how the post text is smaller. I have a PM to Ike if it's easier for him to address, I don't want to cause any additional work for you.
Kind Regards,
Brian 🙂
The font family, style and size are all controlled by your WordPress theme. Simple:Press inherits them from the theme. They are easy to change in your Reboot child theme.
I do not know what Ike named your child theme or perhaps he just used the reboot-child. Whichever it is, if you go to the overlay file you can make these changes safe from future updates. Overlay files in your CHILD theme can be found in the /styles/overlays folder. In your child theme you should just have the one.
If you open this in an editor and look down to around line 50 you will see the entry called $baseFontSize. It is usually set, by default, to 100%. Make it smaller or bigger as you need. Try small steps however. I would suggest you start with, say, 102% to see if it helps.
As to the boldness of the text - that is controlled by the font itself and again is inherited from your WP theme. But you can override that using the $baseFontFamily setting.
OK................... Thanks................ I had Mr. Ike send me the Reboot Child theme updated. Thanks a million for that VERY nice gesture...........Now with just a few fine tuning s, I should be on my way to a great and successful beautiful looking forum.... 🙂
Best Regards,
UPDATE: I changed the font size to 102 and it appears to have done the trick. Swordfish, can you take a look and let me know what you think? Anything glowing that could be improved? Recommendations? Or... looks just fine? Thanks... Also, my ShareThis plugin isn't working. Kind Regards,
Good stuff, looks good to me but the important thing of course is that you are happy with it.. Does it look OK to you? Of course if you need it any larger you know it's only a quick change..
As to ShareThis, let's start from the beginning. I'm still seeing errors on the page (stLight is not defined) which on a quick search means most likely that something is blocking the ShareThis script.
I think the first step is to disable every WP plugin you have except SP (and of course leave all SP plugins active) then reload the forum page. If the ShareThis buttons show up, one of your plugins is responsible and you can reactivate them one by one, reloading the forum page every time until the ShareThis buttons disappear so we know which one of your plugins is causing the problem.
My guess would be another share type plugin, but best to make it a solid method and follow the steps.
If you disable all plugins and the ShareThis still doesn't show on the forum, please try then enabling a stock WP theme to see if the theme itself could be responsible..
Once we know, we can then move forward with how to deal with it.
Do you think a better font is needed? I am not sure what font you use, but it looks a bit different. But.. it's good. But.. I think a better font recommendation might be better.
I will try the ShareLink SP plugin to figure out what is blocking.
Is there any other plugins I might still need to purchase that you recommend? Also, how do I remove the comment link at the bottom of my WP page that my forum lives on? TY
The font we use is downloaded at runtime and is not a standard web font so that option is not - I am afraid - available.
I am unsure what you are referring to by the reference to 'ShareLink SP plugin'. We do not have anything called that. Ike was suggesting initially that if you have a share type plugin for your WP blog posts then just deactivate that to see if the error goes away and the SP share buttons show up.
The comment form is put there by WordPress and can be removed on the forum page - WP Admin > Pages > list all pages and locate the 'forum page', Edit to turn off comments.
As Andy said you can change the font in the same way you changed the font size. Simply change the value of $baseFontFamily to a web safe font name.
We use "Cabin",sans-serif here through Google font I beleive (probably not worth looking into) but you can't really go wrong with classics like Tahoma or Verdana in my opinion!
Comment form - You should be able to disable comments on any page by editing the page and clicking the 'Screen Options' button on the very top right of the screen. Look for it, it is a badly placed button if you don't know about it!
And lastly, sorry but really not sure what you mean by 'ShareLink SP plugin' and what you could possibly 'try'.. The suggestion I've made is really the only way forward, without doing it were looking for a needle in a haystack, as disabling plugins to find the offender is an industry standard (excuse the expression) quick troubleshooting practice.
Thanks Gents...
All the best.... Appreciate it.
Best Regards,
Brian 🙂
I tried the ShareThis Plugin and could not get it to work, so I removed it. Any chance to replace that one with another one? I also tried to remove the comments, It shows at the top that the Comments are not checked, so I was unable to uncheck the box. I put a new font in and raised my font size on my main site to 16 and that helped. Thanks!