Support Forum
Hi guys,
Quick question: I'd like to use the Spam Registrations plugin, but would like to know if it removes the users from SP only or will it delete their WP account?
I would like to clean out all the lurkers, but I don't want their WordPress account removed as we use the account for more then just the forum.
Complete and total removal I am afraid.
But - it is a VERY simple code change if you wanted to change it for your own purposes.
In the file /admin/sp-spam-reg-admin-list-save.php there are 4 sql DELETE statements. All you would need to do is remove or comment out the top two (users and usermeta tables).
That's *very* easy indeed, thx!
When accounts are removed that way -only from SP but not the WP database-, are those users then 'blocked' from the forum or can they simply logon again? (Because then, I just realised, it would be kind of useless ;)).
If so, is it possible to edit the code so spammers/lurkers are moved to certain usergroup?
they can log in (because that is a WordPress function) but they belong to no SP User Groups so will be treated as a Guest and subject to whatever permissions you have assigned to Guest status.
They will also appear in the Manage User Groups admin panel as users with no memberships.
Erhm, yes, I've learned the backup-lesson ... 😉
Sorry to keep you at your computer (the sun is finally shining!) but I just ran the plugin, wanting to remove all members who have been lurking for (at least) 60 days. I noticed the plugin selects all lurkers/spammers though, not just the 60+ day members.
Am I not getting the purpose of that setting or what could cause this?
There's more than just that one guy, I just noticed him because I remember him registering for the site.
(and yes, the User-ID was a tip-off as well )
Yes, I use s2Member, but there were no registrations on this site before s2 was installed. The image you see is the regular WP user search, not s2's - even if you access the users through the s2 menu you're redirected to WP itself.
Edit: just in case it's relevant: this user has a free membership, so nothing much happening with s2 member since there's no payment processing or anything else going on.
I've had a look around; the plugin has selected all 0-post users, regardless of their registration date. Same thing when I use another offset.
I'm not knowledgeable enough to make sure it doesn't have anything to do with s2, but since all data is stored in wp_users I don't think it should be a problem?