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sorry, just waking up... so you are saying the 60 days or older was being ignored?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I've been out of bed since 7 but still trying to wake up
But yes, that's what's happening. The plugin ignores the offset (no matter what the number) and selects all 'zero post' users. Granted, that's a good cleaning job, but I thought I'd give people a couple of weeks to muster up the courage to post
okay, will have to open a ticket to investigate...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
hmmm... not able to duplicate... its paying attention to the specified days for me... have asked Andy to take a look and see what it does for him...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I dont know if that would help... Andy also reported he could not duplicate issue with the # of days parameter...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
okay, though I doubt it matters... as long as the user_registered column in the db (users table) is correct with that plugin... the plugin does a date compare against that field...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
My thoughts exactly, and I checked the database (in phpMyAdmin) and user_registered in in the correct place (wp_users). So as expected, deactiviating s2 didn't do anything ...
So no surprise there, but running the plugin still results in all zero posters being selected ...
I'm baffled ...
wait... confused... I thought it was selecting too many users?
so if you say 60 days, it will search for users that have not posted (blog or forum), have not commented and who registered more than 60 days aqo... is that how you read that?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World