Support Forum
Finding it was easy, you're doing all the work 😉
Anyway, I've been testing things this morning and it all works fine, except for where deleted users end up: can't find them in Members With No Memberships (where they should be) or any of the other usergroups. Their account is simply not found.
(Guess this makes sence since the edit we did in the second post of this thread?)
So far so good, but I took one of the accounts and logged on as a 'deleted' user. Turns out they seem to be in the default usergroup for new members. Which is where most of them were to begin with So they can still access the forum just like all free users ...
(Seem to be: they're not listed when I hit 'show members', but once I log in they have the new users permissions.)
Any thought on what/problem-with-post-edit-buttonow to edit so those users go to eighter Members With No Memberships or a usergroup I'll create, so they don't have forum access anymore?
OK - hands up - that was my fault and mow I am feeling totally stupid. I didn't think this through.
The removal tool is, of course, geared to total removal. But you wanted to keep these users in the WP end - hence the commenting out of the two sql delete statements.
What I overlooked - and actually had totally forgotten about - is that you have to remember that login is controlled by WP. If, when a forum page is loaded, SP detects a logged in user who has NO record in the SP sfmembers table - then it creates it on the fly. It assumes that this is an error condition and rectifies it - going through the same process as it would when a new user registers.
So - if such a user does not login then they are NOT in any user group and as far as SP is concerned, do not exist. But the minute they log in - wham - we set it all up for them!
Whether we need to, perhaps, make that an option in the forum admin members panel, is something that needs some discussion.
As it is - I am sorry - but that is now where the data stands for those users. To stop it from happening would require core code change of course.
Another word for this is whoops!
Darn, I should have figured that out for myself - I know SP creates the tables on the fly, that's one of it's nifty features. And to be honest, if that were to become optional I'd leave it on
Would it be possible to leave SP as is and have the plugin move members to a certain usergroup, not delete them? As you've no doubt noticed, coding is not my strong suit (I'm going for the understatement award here) so forgive me if I'm asking you to basically rewrite a plugin, thinking it's a minor change
Thank you ever so much!
I feel a bit quilty taking up so much of your time - I'll stop asking questions now and patiently await the 'Spam Plugin Verdict'
Since I was able to tweak the forum a bit, thanks to the absolutely amazing support you guys give, my users are now quite the happy bunch again ... Which makes my life a *lot* easier!
Thank you both so much for that! And I'll see if I can find more ways to give back a little to the plugin and the community.
Off for now, I'm told it's nice and sunny out there in the real world 😉
sunny and 85 today here! but that's quite normal...
thanks for the kind words!
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