Support Forum
After installing the spam registrations clean up plugin and trying it out, it doesn't seem to be wanting to remove any actual spam registrations. Only legitimate members that have not posted yet. The spam registrations too have not posted, yet they are the only ones that do not show up to be deleted in the back end?
did you read what is defined as potential spam registrations? user who registered and has not posted in X number of days...
so the only real logic is a user who has not posted and its been X number of days since they registered... its a broad stroke brush...
If you are getting a spam post and want to delete the user and the post, I would suggest using the admin bar plugin which has this functionality...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Well I have some spam registration that have never posted and have been there for up to 365 days so I'm not sure why it is not including every user that has not posted in this time. If in the past email confirmation was required for spam memberships through WP registration, and these confirmations were not completed in the emails, I am guessing these spam registrations are showing up in forum back end but are not actually active? And that is why the spam registration plug in is not showing them?
as Andy says, ticket open for investigation...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World