Support Forum
It would appear that the subscription notification emails have ceased to function for me. PM email notifications are working fine.
The subscriptions plug in is showing when there are new posts in subscribed topics, it's just not sending out the emails.
The subscription plug in was functioning after I upgraded from 4.5.1 to 5.0.3 on the 3rd April, it seems to have stopped around the 5th perhaps after an upgrade?
There are the following errors in the error log if these help?
file: rbelfi/public_html/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/subscriptions/library/sp-subscriptions-components.php line: 321 function: sp_subscriptions_render_user_subscriptions Notice | Trying to get property of non-object
that notice is unrelated... and I dont think we have touched that... checking email logs looks like some subscriptions emails have been going out here... are you subscribed to any topics here and gotten any notices? or just on your site?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
yes. since both use the wp email system, its not the issue... and they both go through same sp routine..
was that the only error in the toolbox error log?
are you getting reports of this or seeing it yourself? just asking because curious if on forum - users - subscriptions that you still have some subscriptions (ie something didnt happen to cause them to get lost)....
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
WordPress email can be very flaky. Most people have success when they install the HGK SMTP plugin - we use it here for that very reason.
or maybe something up with your mail server?
The only recent change in this area has strictly been with admin email notifications and these seem to be working fine. No changes to subscriptions for a while now.
And no - there is no 'database flag'. Unless you have inadvertently turned off the permissions for your users although then they wouldn't see the subscribe button.