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only suggestion would be to debug... afraid we have no other reports of this... edit the plugin and put a die('got here'); or something in the email notification routine and see if its getting there... if so, work on down to the sp routine and finally the wp routine...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Conrad, how are you creating these posts? from within the topic or from the admin bar?
and just to be sure, you are using a different user for the subscription or post, right? subscription emails are not sent to the post creator even if they are subscribed...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Yes I have 2 test members one has an admin status and the other is a normal member with standard access. Both have permissions to subscribe and I have tried it both ways round.
The PM email notification works fine. However I have just turned on 'Receive email notification on new topic/post' in my admin settings and that does not appear to work either. How weird that the PM emails work and the others don't.
If I add the debug code where/problem-with-post-edit-buttonow would I be able to read the output?
so not really a direct answer... I was specifically asking about posts via the admin bar vs in topic? do I interpret your reply to say you get the same result whether you post via admin bar or in the topic?
as to debugging, if you put what I said, die('here'); you will get a white screen with just the word 'here' on it... all it really is doing is telling you got to a specific location in the code... first step is just to see if its trying to send the emails...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
okay, thanks for the clarification...
the debugging would be the next step and see if the emails are being sent... dumb question, but I assume you checked your spam folder?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
okay, that is the next step... find out how where in the process its deviating...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World