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Steve I have done what you suggested and put a die debug message in sp-subscriptions-components.php and the script is completing the email routine.
Does wordpress keep a log of emails sent anywhere? Or is there a plug-in?
I could use some help with this one now I'm afraid. Do you fancy having a dig around at some point?
so at the bottom of the routine is a line like this:
$email_status = sp_send_email($email, __('Forum Post', 'sp-subs').': '.substr($topicname, 0, 30).'...'.' ['.get_option('blogname').']', $msg);
might be different as I have been rewriting this as part of 5.1..
lets see what the return value is.... so right after it, add
and see what is returned...
if that works, then we can go into sp_send_email() and see whats up...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
well, that says that wp returned that it sent the email...
so can you look on your server control panel (ie whm or cpanel) and see if the email is stuck?
but not sure what to do since wp says it sent the email...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I can see some mail folders for the relevant email address using file manager but they appear to mimic my IMAP sent folder. I do not see anything that has been sent any later than the last message I sent using IMAP. In other words nothing sent from WP is showing in there.
We know that the PM notifications are working so I guess I can try that and see if I can see anything.
Steve I found an email logging program for WP and sent one test post from HGK and a PM both of which arrived np. I also posted into a subscribed topic and there appears to be duplicate mails being sent. The emails in this case are not being sent.
PS next post has correct screen grab. I can't remove the other attachment.
That is exactly what I decided to do Andy. They are looking at it as we speak.
I have a feeling that for some reason the server is just not accepting the email formatting as it is sent from WP. However I am a bit concerned that there appears to be duplicate posts from the subscribe plug-in. Any ideas what that might be?