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lol. nice!
let us know what you host says...
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The SMTP settings are fine, the emails are being sent. I can receive them to my gmail test account. I can see the emails if I look in /problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/............../mail/ mail directory via ssh. However they do not show up via webmail in my inbox or in my TB IMAP account.
Others are receiving subscription emails fine.
It is insane but has nothing whatsoever to do with your plugin! But why the hell does it work with the PM notifications?????
The source and destination emails are on the same server but I don't see why that doesn't work. I'm sure the provider will figure it out.
There was an account level filter moving everything with the forum name in it to a folder in my main domain's email account. I never even new that it existed but now I have all my domains on one server it became an issue. It took some finding.
I'm happy that I beat my provider to it by using email trace in cpanel. I could see where the emails were going then it was just a matter of finding the filter which was created on the primary account a LONG time ago.
What a relief!