Support Forum
I just began playing with this plugin, is it normal that when I click to subscribe aand the page refresh but we still see Subscriptions: 0 at the top? I then refreshed the page a few times and it's still showing 0. Is it updated only once every hour like footer stats? Hope not.
yes. that is NOT the number of subscriptions you have. It is the number of subscriptions with unread posts...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
OIC! Ok then... I thought the number on the button was showing how many topics you have subsribed to and clicking it would list them all so you can manage those. In fact the last part is currently that.
It could also have shown the number of subscriptions in black and turn it red when some topics have unread posts.
it will always show you the subscribed topics when opened... but its a way of notification that a topic you are subscribed to has a new post...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
"unread subscribed topics" could there be also "unread subscribed topic" for when only one topic have new posts? Would help a lot translating in french.
I copied the link from those found in glotpress. There's a translation string in sp-subscribed-topics-tag.php that is "unread subscribed topics" and I was asking to add another one singular when it's equal to 1.
BTW I just found a very interesting bug. Hopefully I will be able to explain it right, I know my english is not perfect.
First susbcribe to this thread, then go back to Simple:Press 5 Plugin Topics where all topics are displayed. Now click the button at the top that will pop up a window with all your subscriptions, then click the unsubscribe button next to this topic (which is called Subscriptions).
See what happen! Interesting, isn't?
I dont see anything interesting or odd... you click unsubcribe and the topic fades away....
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Really? I first saw the problem on my site, then I came here to duplicate with success.
The problem is that when you click the Unsubscribe button in the popup window, instead of the subscription to fade out, it's the Topic behind the pop up windw that fades out.
I can do a video and show you if you can't reproduce it.
topic behind the pop up??? lol, never seen that... and no cannot duplicate here or on test site...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World