Support Forum
going to need more info... there are no known issues with the plugin...
versions of WP, SP and subscriptions?
any errors on forum - toolbox - error log? or the php error log?
perhaps a screenshot of your subscriptions options panel would be good too...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

I am using WordPress 4.7.5 and Simple Press latest version. I have 2 of your plugins, Membership subscribe v1.0.5 and Subscriptions v1.5.3.
I bought the plugins almost exactly a year ago, do I need to repurchase them every year or it is an onging licence?
Here are the latest errors, if helpful. Don't know about php, sorry! Don't seem to have a "subscriptions options panel" does it have another name?
May 19, 2017 5:09 pm | spaErrNotice | 1 | php
file: /simple-press/admin/panel-admins/forms/spa-admins-your-options-form.php |
April 19, 2017 3:19 pm | spaErrNotice | 1 | php
file: /simple-press/forum/content/forms/sp-form-post-edit.php |
February 2, 2017 9:23 am | spaErrWarning | 1 | php
file: /simple-press/forum/content/classes/sp-topic-view-class.php |
No, the plugins do not expire and are good indefinitely.
The panel is on forum - components - subscriptions
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
nothing attached...
on that panel, you can disable emails... also, individual users can disable in their profiles...
those notices are not critical... what else changed if they 'stopped'? short of settings change, things wont just stop working... any wp updates? or simple press or sp plugins? around the time in question...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Yes there may have been some wp updates, they happen automatically so I dont take too much notice when they happen. Since it didnt work I have done a simple press update so that should not be the problem.
How can I reset everything without loosing settings or more importantly historic posts?
not sure what you mean by reset... if you mean reset the subscription settings, you could uninstall the subscriptions plugin and then reactivate it.. but that would lose any existing subscriptions...
you never did say what those subscription options where...
are you using digests or instant notifications?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World

Managed to attach screenshot of subscription options. I am using instant notifcations.
I have tried uninstalling both Membership subscribe and Subscriptions and reinstalling them, but it didnt seem to loose the existing subscriptions settings. It didnt help, still no emails going out with a new post despite everything.

There are still no attachments. If you are seeing the image file appear in the little attachments window are you actually then performing the upload?
If you uninstalled the subscriptions plugin then all your users subscription data would be deleted. If it is still there perhaps you did not uninstall but deactivated it instead? Is that possible?
My first question would be - are other email types being generated and sent? I.e., new users; password change requests; admins new post notifications etc? Are you sure that the email sub-system is actually working?
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