Support Forum
Can you explain further what you mean by 'updated'? If you mean 'edited' then subscriptions does not send an email for an edited post (I am pretty sure). But I do not believe that the post you have shown in the pdf has been edited anyway. So not sure what you mean by updated...?
OK - understood. I have to really go back to my point above (#4). The content of a post is sent to the subscription email formatted identically to the way it appears in the forum display. So each paragraph is surrounded by html paragraph tags as you would expect. There is no other formatting or processing of the text.
What it looks like is happening from the image, is that extra paragraph tags - or probably an extra 'br' line break tag, is being added at the end of each paragraph. That could happen if the text is parsed by code that is unaware that the text it is parsing is already formatted and ready to go.
This is not common behaviour of either the WP Mail handling or the Simple:Press mail output so there has to be a third party influence. Whatever it is, it would be useful if you could turn off the extra formatting/filtering stage. I would suggest that the first thing to do is try the subscription email with no other email plugins active to see what happens then.