Support Forum
Two problems -
#1 - As the admin, I can subscribe to threads. The threads I subscribe to appear in my profile under the subscriptions tab. But I never get email updates when someone posts on one of the threads I'm subscribed to. I can't figure out how to fix it. Any ideas?
#2 - When I log into my test account (standard access), if I make a post... I'm unable to subscribe to threads. There is no option to subscribe to threads when I post. All I need is a math problem. I am not auto-subscribed because nothing appears under the subscriptions tab in my profile.
Let me know ! I'm launching my paid forum in 48 hours.
PS - how do I remove the math problem?
Hello, I have also just activated my Subscription plugin and I am not recieving any emails. I already tried searching the forum tried different options but they didnt work. What might be the problem? In one thread I noticed that you for a possible fix, you have to choose from the setting which type of notifications the user can recieve. I havent found those settings yet.
Answert to your #2 questions, which I already solved, is: Go to your Permissions settings and activate the subscriptions option for the standart access user.
And... while in the permissions you can turn on the option to bypass the math problem as well.
OK - As an admin you do not need to subscribe if you want to be informed of all new posts by email. As an SP 'Admin' you can go to the forum administration > Admins > Your Admin Options and elect to receive email notifications.
So it looks like the main issue is actually that emails are not getting through. Emails are not actually sent by Simple:Press but are sent by your WordPress site. All we do is call the WordPress functions for sending out emails. However - there are a couple of items that can effect these. Forum Admin > Options > Email settings: Here you can set up overrides to the WordPress default of sending everything 'from WordPress'. So firstly make sure these settings have been created correctly. Domain name etc.
If they are but emails still do not get sent then you are not alone! WordPress emailing is notoriously flaky and troublesome and many resort to adding a small plugin tpo help this. In fact - we have to do that here on our site as well. The one we use is called HGK SMTP and in the majority of cases it does resolve users email woes so perhaps give that a try.
I am not really sure there is much point in me looking... There are only three values and only you know whether the current entries are accurate or not. I can not tell.
If in doubt I would turn off the option to 'Use the following email settings' and then you are 100% under WordPress email control...
As stated: Forum Admin > Options > Email settings
if still no emails? Do not know to be honest. As I already said - Simple:Press doesn't send them - WordPress sends them. For most that plugin sorts the issue. If all else fails it migjt be worth talking to your host to see if they can advise in case it is some sort of mailbox issue.
Ok, that works. Emails are being sent.
Thanks for the detailed instructions. I installed the plugin you suggested.
New problem: in the settings, I've set it to "don't include post content in emails" but it does include post content (whatever the latest post is).
I thought it would only have a link back to the forum?
If I recall correctly does not the 'no post content' only apply to subscription digest emails?
We used to not include the post content in ordinary subscription emails but there was an overwhelming - and I really do mean 100% - clammer to get them included - so we did. And now we get the odd request to remove them again.
You can remove them with a simple WordPress style filter and I know that code has been posted several times. Personally, I think we probably need to bow to the inevitable and introduce an admin level global option - but that needs to be discussed here first.