Support Forum
When I have a user subscribe to a forum or topic, that subscription is not adding to the user's subscriptions and it shows Subscriptions: 0 under their profile. However, when I create a test post, the user gets the subscription email still.
How would I get the Subscriptions count to update? Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you for the quick reply!
My confusion comes because when the Subscriptions: 0 is clicked, it says "You are not currently subscribed to any topics" and when I log on to a user that has not read the post they are subscribed to, it still shows subscribed: 0.
Please let me know if I need to clarify anything else.
So - if you edit this users actual profile (popup their SP profile and you will see the option to edit it at the top as you are the admin) and then click on the subscriptions tab of the profile forms, is this topic listed or not?
And if not is there a script error when you click on the subscribe button? Do you know how to check for these in the web console?
The issue is on the actual forum page, circled in red you can see that the user is subscribed as circled in red, however circled in blue it shows the user has zero subscriptions.
When Subscriptions: 0 is clicked on, the following window comes up showing the user has no subscriptions, when they actually do.
The Subscriptions are just not updating. I would either like to have that update, or make it so the Subscriptions: option circled in blue does not show up at all so users can avoid confusion.
You didn't answer my two questions (the users profile and the script error check).
I am also confused. The first image here seems to be a user who is an admin. Is that you logged in? Because I thought you said you logged in as a different user to subscribe to a topic with? Can you just confirm all this as well please?
Sorry for the confusion.
The pictures are of me logged in as an administrator to demonstrate the subscriptions not showing up. The same thing is seen while logged in as a regular user.
I do not know how to check for a script error.
When I edit the user as an admin, the subscription does show up there.
In first image, it looks like you are subscribed to a forum... the subscription popup only shows subscribed topics... would be kind of pointless to show a forum there, no? or even less sense to show every topic in the subscribed forum...
could that be the case?
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