Support Forum
Thank you for your answer.
maybe i didn't explain it correct...
Well, i would like to have the possibility as administrator to write lets say with colors or large fonts and so on. But don't want to give these abilities to the normal user of the forum.
Or I don't want that the writers will use h1 tags in the TinyMCE editor.
Sorry if my English is not perfekt...
OK - understood.
Of course, the bottom line is that you can not actually stop the use of html tags in post content (apart from obviously disallowed ones). This is not editor dependent. In fact - with the tinyMCE editor we do not encourage or turn on by default the 'paragraph' tag button. It is actually easier for a user to paste tags onto the other editors than it is the TinyMCE editor.
They are both active although you can clear out toolbar2 if you don't want it. Also - see the popup help for options.
There are two toolbars because a lot of users display their forum in a narrow column and all the buttons on a single toolbar may overflow the available space their WP theme allows for.
You don't get any help? Really? That sounds like a bug. I will need to look at that...
Use Toolbar1 - that would be better. For your help - I have pasted below the text you should see...
The TinyMCE Rich Text Editor can utilise 2 toolbars. Buttons are specified by their name and the list is comma delimited. The '|' character specifies a separator.
TinyMCE Plugins can also be utilised. Plugin buttons must be placed on the 'add' toolbar button fields.
Pre-supplied TinyMCE Plugins are:
- inlinepopups
- media
- spoiler
- spellchecker
- paste
- wordpress
- wpdialogs
- sphelp
Built in TinyMCE Buttons available are:
(1) The Simple:Press Default set
- bold
- italic
- underline
- strikethrough
- forecolor
- bullist
- numlist
- blockquote
- outdent
- indent
- link
- unlink
- undo
- redo
- image
- media
- pastetext
- pasteword
- spoiler
- code
- spellchecker
- wp_adv
- sp_help
- formatselect
- formatsizeselect
- justifyleft
- justifycenter
- justifyright
- justifyfull
- charmap
- removeformat
- selectall
(2) Additionally Available:
- cut
- copy
- paste
- cleanup
- hr
- sub
- sup
- backcolor
- backcolorpicker
- visualaid
- anchor
To add and use any of the optional butons, just add them to the toolbar in the row and location where you want them to show up.
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