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I have set up file uploader and TinyMCE editor and it works fine in Chrome but not in IE9:
- the forum search button is not in the right place and the screen jitters somehow when hovering wih the mouse;
- the rich text editor does not display;
- the file uploader buton does not appear.
I read a previous topic on potential conflicts with other plugins. I loaded the Plugin Organizer as suggested and tried to get it to work with no success. In fact it did not seem that the Plugin Organizer was working as disabling Simple Press on the forum page would not do anything.
Any suggestions as to what I could do to sort the problem out would be most welcome.
Forum page: http://www.riverhabitatsurvey......age_id=430
first step would be to find out the conflict is in your site... IE 9 generally speaking (many, many sites fine) works fine... and the different browsers use different js engines...
not sure I follow you comment on the plugin organizer and simple press... you would disable simple press but the OTHER js that was causing the issue.. which gets back to finding the problem first...
and you site is doing a lot of IE specific site (js and css)...
so what the other folks suggested was first switching to another wp theme and see if it works or not... this is just to eliminate or confirm the theme... next would be to disable other wp plugins and see if it works... if so then reenable the plugins one by one until it breaks...
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Thanks for the information. I changed the theme and the problem was still there.
I then deactivated all plugins in the entire site excluding simple press and the problem was still there.
I also deactivated all plugin within simplepress and the forum did not appear right on IE9.
I checked with Mozilla and everything was fine apart from the file uploader button that was missing.
I went to a friend and tried on her computer (same operating system: win7 and IE9) and there was no jitter, the Tiny rich text editor appeared but there was no file uploader button.
What shall I try next?
Ok - I know you said you deactivated all plugins but can we confirm that did definitely include the event calendar plugin. And it would be worth clearing the IE browser cache before trying again after these changes as it is notorious for hanging onto to scripts...
To add to the confusion, I started this morning playing with IE9 add-ons, disabling unnecessary ones and suddenly, the Tiny rich text editor appeared, the jitter disappeared and the search box was in the right place! I put the add-ons back on (SKype and Messenger) and it was still displaying ok....!?
Still, I have one problem left: the 'upload attachments' button does not appear in IE9 and Mozilla. Only in CHrome and only on my main PC (it does not display on any other PC (WIn7 or XP)
I asked help from my borther who programs in PhP and he looked at the site with 3 browser and the 'upload' button did not appear. Also, he looked at the source code and there was no call to plupload visible.
SOrry, I just got your reply. Yes I cleared the cache and deactivated the event calendar plug in.
I also checked on previous posts and realised I had to allow permission for the upload of files.
I have done so and it works now.
I am still puzzled by what happened until I played with the add-ons.
Thanks for the help. I will carry on doing more tests.
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