Support Forum
Several of my users reported not being able to see the Tiny MCE toolbar, I've confirmed that this seems to be an issue related to internet Explorer and I was able to replicate the issue when i tested myself.
I cleared cache/cookies, deselected & reselected the Tiny MCE editor, tried compatibility mode in IE and the button son the menu bar don't show (with the exception of the spoiler button which shows up all on its own).
A separate issue most likely but users have also reported that the forums are very slow using IE but when they switched to Firefox it was much faster.
EDIT: The issue with the toolbar not showing seems to be related to the GRAND Flash Album Gallery plugin which I'm happy to just stop using, installed it recently but think it's too bloaty.
time to come back to the issue because it came back despite no longer using that plugin.
I've tried disabling all plugins but the issue remains.
After about 1-2 hours of activating and deactivating plugins I think I've finally narrowed down the cause of this problem to THREE plugins than I'm using
- Sidebar Login
- WP-Polls
- Podpress
If I have ALL of them deactivated I can get the toobar to stay up seemingly consistently, if I reactivate any one of those three the problem returns.
I know it's easy to blame other plugins for conflicts but if Simple Press is having issues with a bunch of different plugins wouldn't that suggest that maybe there's an issue with Simple Press that needs to be addressed?
Now.. i can probably find an alternative to the sidebar login and I can survive without the polls if I really have to but I can't do without podpress, there's no other podcasting plugin I've found that I like (includes stats, integrates well with iTunes etc)
So do you have any suggestions for me as to how to get around this problem? As far as I'm aware there was no conflict with podpress before the 5 update.
well, it might if we could recreate the problem or others had reported it... unfortunately still too many users stuck on crappy old versions of IE... IE 10 has the potential of being first decent IE version in terms of standards support (IE 9 was step in right direction)...
I have run SP 5 with IE 9 and the sidebar login and/or wp polls in the past (not together)... but have never tried the podpress plugin...
what version of IE? and js errors reported in the console? link to the forum with these to look for js conflicts?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I'm using IE 9, not sure about others.
No js errors in the console.
The site is (can you please delete this when you no longer require it? thanks)
well, not a common issue so guess we would need a closer look... temp account? might be able to pinpoint the conflict, but IE tools are severely lacking...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World