Support Forum
I'm guessing these are permission issues but I have no idea what rights should be set for the plugin folder.
Can't type past the last syntax highlight below so I'll go backwards - plugin appeared to install fine but when visiting the page that holds the forum I see two lines of errors, the first one below. Here is the second:
Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '/server/client-dev/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/tinymce-richtext/library/sp-tinymce-filters.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/rocket/public_html/lausdsmh/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/editor-tinymce-richtext-v2.1.3/sp-tinymce-plugin.php on line 118
First plugin installed, TinyMCE and I get this error on the visitor-side only:
Warning: include_once(/server/client-dev/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/tinymce-richtext/library/sp-tinymce-filters.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /problem-with-post-edit-buttonome/rocket/public_html/lausdsmh/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-plugins/editor-tinymce-richtext-v2.1.3/sp-tinymce-plugin.php on line 118
I renamed the plugins as I d/l them to include version numbers - after changing the name it worked. Thanks.
I have another TinyMCE question and if it needs a new topic let me know.
How do I modify the button layout to match the one on your forum? I removed all data from the three lines under the section "TinyMCE Toolbars and Plugins" and almost all the buttons persist - only a few were removed leaving some dividers. I'm not trying to remove them all but was testing to see what I was doing wrong. Again, would just like to see the buttons you have on your forum.
Well these are our settings:
Editor Skin:
Copy/pasted exactly what you have and it almost worked - I now have more buttons than you with one, albeit unnecessary, that does not even show an icon.
Additionally, I must be misinterpreting the layout mechanics - I see fields for "Toolbar 1" and "Toolbar 2" but all icons appear on one toolbar. I was expecting two rows. And your layout calls for
"bold,italic,underline,|,bullist,numlist," but instead the buttons are rendered
My client requires Bold, Italic, Underline, Paste options, bullets, justify, links and spell check only so I need to understand how this thing works.
sorry not following... you aid 'the buttons are rendered"... not sure what you mean...
yes, toolbar 1 and toolbar 2 would be unique rows...
please paste a screenshot of your tinymce editor settings panel... and what you see on front end... can guests post on your site?
any other plugins that add buttons to tinymce editor in the wp admin? no cachning plugins, right?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Rendered - my first trade is graphic design with 3D modeling as a hobby. Sometimes forget to use "visible" or something similar.
No caching plugins but the WP site does use the "TinyMCE Advanced" plugin, which is great because I can see the buttons I am adding/removing.
As I mentioned ideally I only need to see Bold, Italic, Underline, Paste options, bullets, justify, links and spell check.
sorry, was not clear... I know what rendered means 😉 but not in the context of this sentence:
"bold,italic,underline,|,bullist,numlist," but instead the buttons are rendered
we always show those items in buttons... so not sure what you mean by 'instead the buttons are rendered"
in your image, you have selected a whole lot more than what you are asking for... are you sure you saved your changes? put what you want in toolbar 1 and empty toolbar 2... then save...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Okay I really need us to move past the "render" part - as I admitted, "visible" was a better word.
I have a Monday milestone to have this up and running for my client.
1st screen capture shows what data I entered. I'm just testing to see how much I can customize the toolbar - apparently not much.
2nd screen capture shows the output - obviously not matching the data I input for Toolbar 1.
As I mentioned ideally I only need to see Bold, Italic, Underline, Paste options, bullets, justify, links and spell check.
so you changed it back?? what I am trying to do is make sure when you make changes, that they stick... so if you reload that panel, do they have what you had entered, or do they revert?
and what about answer to the other questions I posed?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World