Support Forum
Hello !
I think the problem is in the title... With TinyMCE editor, the iframe used to enter text has a 50px-left offset with its td.mceIframeContainer container. So, it has the right width but not in the right place.
I tried to fix it with CSS on the #postitem_ifr : adding left margin, absolute positionning... Without success.
Have you a solution ?
Thanks !
Sorry, you're right and I should have thought or checked it. It was a theme conflict with a CSS rule I defined in the past...
Thanks a lot !
When will be release the next update of TinyMCE plugin with wp_editor ? It will be great to use wp theme for TinyMCE, the currently (light blue) isn't very pretty...
It will release essentially at the same time as 5.2... the old plugin will break too under 5.2...
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