Support Forum

If the problem is only experienced by Admins (and I am assuming here that as well as being a forum Admin you are also a WordPress Administrator) - then that reinforces the probability that this is being caused by another WP plugin.
So - if not WishList (and I have to admit to not being 100% convinced yet) - do you have any other plugins active that add any feature/button whatsoever to the tinyMCE editor? You are going to see this when writing a blogpost or page using tinyMCE.

Do you mean you turned them off one by one and then turned them on again one by one?
If so I am afraid that the only way to test is to turn them ALL off and then test and turn them on again one by one.
A long time ago the WordPress devs made the tinyMCE editor available for plugins to use on the front-end as the forum does. The downside to this was that any plugins that added buttons or features to TinyMCE probably needed a small code change. Even after all this time we still, every now and then, encounter a plugin where that change has not been made. So - as you seem to actually have a surprising number of such plugins we do need to eliminate the possibility that you have more than one that is defective in this regard.
So the way to do it is to turn them all off. CLEAR your browser cache - and I can't stress the need for that - and then try the forum. IF the forum editor now works for you - then add the plugins back one by one testing between each one until it fails again.

Found it 😉
Thought it was something about the WL tags but that was so 2013 😀
It was in the infusionsoft pluging from WL you can enable the shortcode.
Well disabled that one and it works fine again.
Not using that and will not use it as people need to change that profile with the emails we send them and not thru the foru,
@yellow-swordfish @mr-papa Thanks again for pointing me in the correct direction 😉
Let me post a screenshot incase some one else has the same issue
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