Support Forum
Hi, sorry had to go away a little while...
Thank you for your help, I determined that the option page for the Plugin Organizer hadn't saved my selections... there seems to be an error in the plugin where you must refresh the options page, select your options and then save - or it won't save.
For me the plugins causing me grief with IE9 were Buddypress and a plugin called MyArcade Contest (part of an arcade plugin I use).
They're not required on the forum page, so disabled them.
If you'd like to take a look - but everything is fine now
Thank you
Yes, that is a bug in Plugin Organizer. If you made changes to Admin URL under Plugin Organizer Settings, it will not save it. for each change, you need to click on edit, make a change then save it, Refresh page, and make a new edit then save again and refresh page again. It is an annoying bug in the Plugin Organizer. But, it is a great plugin to solve plugin conflicts.
Glad it is working for you.
Good to hear. We have lots of users that use SP and BP together including with IE so that sounds odd unless you have fairly unique wp theme or BP add on. Afraid I have not heard of the other one.
But glad you are set!
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
Good morning from Spain again,
I have the same problem in IE 9 - no TinyMCE showing up and I don´t see that I am able to fix it. I keep trying as everything is perfect in Chrome and Firefox...
But, in addition the theme seems to be broken (in IE only). New/Recently Updated Topics and the Select Forum drop-down menus work fine until I log in. Once logged in, they are cut. Look:
Screenshot is taken from: . This happens only on the "Topic" Page. Not on "Forum or Subforum" Pages. Might it be the theme Brandford Magazine causing the problems, or Adsense code?
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals." (Henry Ford)
It is most likely the WP theme forcing some CSS globally. We can discover this pretty easily if you would be willing to very briefly switch your site to use the WP default theme just to see if things display as they should. Switch it right back after the test of course. If we know where the problem is it might be easier to work out a solution. You can test the tinymce issue at the same time although that is less likely to be theme related.
Forum ( shows OK over here. Did you clear all cache (your browser and server cache)? I do not see css issues you have, as in your posted screen capture. Do you have a Wordpress cache plugins and/or a Minify plugin? Minify plugins often create css issue.
As far as TinyMCe issue is concerned, install Plugin Organizer. In the Plugin Organizer > URL Admin, do Add URL, and add; check the "Also effect Children"; then check all the plugins, except Simple Press. Save and test to see if TinyMCE problem is gone. If it is resolved, then you can start enabling plugin one by one in URL Admin for You should be able to isolate the conflicting plugins. In theory, you do not need other WP plugins for the /Forum page.
I looked at your page source code. I will suggest disable the following plugin, in Plugin Organizer for the Forum page:
The PRiNZ_ShortcodeCollction plugin seems to loading its own jquery libraries, on top of Wordpress jquery libraries. I do not think, you need PRiNZ_ShortcodeCollction for the Simple Presss page.