Support Forum
Hi I have installed
Editor (TinyMCE - Rich Text) |
File Uploader (using Plupload) |
and I am unable to type in the text field. Is this because of current plugins that are installed on the site or what? You can check it out at
do you mean you cannot enter new topic or post text??
if so,we cannot test much further since guests cannot post...
might be because the theme is loading a non WordPress version of jquery ui:
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
which may be conflicting with the version that ships with WP...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
have you looked for the js/jquery like the other user? more info:
can you give us a link to your site so we can look for some conflicts?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I can't view that link, it takes me to the sign up page, but I am logged in on the sidebar...
let me take a look... we are moving a bunch of stuff around today in the codex and its possible the transient state has temporarily messed up the permissions...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
problem is that if you use jquery from google, you never know what you are going to get... bit like russian roulette... even the wp devs dont advocate using offline jquery... how the hell would plugin authors test with that? we test with the jquery that comes and is delivered with wp... (
it should be fairly easy to find the code in theme hard loading this:
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
keep in mind that is loaded in addition to the jquery ui loaded by wp...and its minimized differently... so hence the likely conflicts... sorry, but what's not working? the few js/jquery things I could try as guest work...
if you can find that in you theme where its included, likely in header.php or functions.php, we can help standardize it for wp...
or if you want to create us a temp account with wp admin and sp admin caps (please send via pm to me and yellow swordfish), we can take a look and see if the file is available via the theme editor...
out of curiosity, did you try a temp switch to the default wp theme and see if your issue clears up?
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
I was able to comment this out in functions:
wp_enqueue_script('jqueryui', '', array('jquery'));
But now the login button, quote and add reply button do not work. At the bottom of Chrome I can see it says javascript:void(null)