Support Forum
Well the accordian panel just loads on the homepage so that's a good thing.
I actually found it has it's own .php called 'slider.php' heres a snippet of some coding from the php if it helps:
// Score Type
$score_type = $theme_slider_score_type;// Slide Order
if($theme_slider_orderby == "Custom Order") {
$slider_orderby = "menu_order";
$slider_order = "ASC";
} elseif($theme_slider_orderby == "Site Score") {
$gd_sort = "review";
$gd_order = "DESC";
} elseif($theme_slider_orderby == "User Score") {
$gd_sort = "rating";
$gd_order = "DESC";
} else {
$slider_orderby = "date";
$slider_order = "DESC";
'post_type' => array('post', 'slide'),
'order' => $slider_order,
'orderby' => $slider_orderby,
'gdsr_sort' => $gd_sort,
'gdsr_order' => $gd_order,
'posts_per_page' => $theme_slides,
'tax_query' =>
array('relation' => 'OR',
array('taxonomy' => 'slide_categories', 'terms' => explode(',', $theme_slider_cats), 'field' => 'id'),
array('taxonomy' => 'category', 'terms' => explode(',', $theme_slider_cats), 'field' => 'id'))
);query_posts($args); if (have_posts()) : $slide_counter = 0; ?>
<!--Begin Slider Wrapper-->
<div id="slider-wrapper"><div id="slider-nav">
<div id="slide-prev"></div>
<?php if($theme_slider_scroll == "0") { ?><div id="slide-move-outer"><div id="slide-move-inner"></div></div><?php } ?>
<div id="slide-next"></div>
no, that is not it... you usually would look in header.php or functions.php but could be in any one of many files...
search your them directory for jquery...
Visit Cruise Talk Central and Mr Papa's World
"Yellow Swordfish said
The only other thing I see that is worrisome is a plugin called 'Premium List Magnet' that is loading a copy of the jQuery UI library that it has supplied instead of using the official WP version."I contacted the creator of the Premium List Magnet Plugin which, when activated, does not allow me to type in the text boxt when the tinymce plugin is installed.When I deactivate Premium List Magnet, I can type again.
Here is what I wrote:
Hi, I have Premium List Magnet, however it conflicts with my simple press forum plugin. The issue seems to be that PLM gets its jQuery from the Google CDN instead of using the one which is supplied by wordpress. The simple press forum plugin does get its jQuery from wordpress.
Since I have an active forum, I have to keep it online. Unfortunately I had to deactivate PLM in order for the forum to work correctly. Is there a way that you can change the way how PLM loads jQuery in order to make it more compatible with other plugins? Or can you tell me how I can change the code myself in my PLM so that it loads jQuery from wp instead of google so that I can use it again?
thank you,
Here is their response:
PLM loads jQuery and jQuery UI from wordpress actually. You can see the code on premium-list-magnet/plm.php:
function plm_add_js()
wp_enqueue_style('plm-style', PLM_URL . 'css/plm.css');wp_deregister_script( 'jquery-ui-core');
wp_register_script('jquery-ui-core', PLM_URL . 'js/jquery-ui.min.js');wp_enqueue_script('jquery');
wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-core');wp_enqueue_script('plm-main', PLM_URL . 'js/plm.js');
}We recommend that you try to remove the jQuery loads from your forum plugin, because we are not sure that PLM will work with jQuery that is loaded by your plugin forum.
So now I am back to square one with this issue. Can you help me with this please. Apparently both the simple press plugin and the Premium List Magnet are loading the jQuery from wordpress, but still the PLM causes a conflict in the forum. What's my next step to resolve this?
By the way, I have no idea why my post shows up in italics, when I edit it, it is not in italics.
Well they are half right but you were wrong as can be seen from their code snippet. It is NOT jQuery that is the problem - it is the jQuery UI - see my quoted text at the top of your post - which is NOT being loaded from WP as they state. And it is not coming from Google but from their own plugin version.
If you simply comment out these two lines from their code - as seen in the snippet above:
wp_deregister_script( 'jquery-ui-core'); wp_register_script('jquery-ui-core', PLM_URL . 'js/jquery-ui.min.js');
then all will be well. But you might want to point out to them that theirs is NOT being loaded frpm WordPress as they claimed.
Thanks for this info. I am not very familiar with coding, so could please tell me what exactly you mean by "commenting out" these two lines? Is the code in your post above the already corrected version?
The PLM plugin has hundreds of lines of code. Is there a search function in wp that allows me to find this particular line without reading 100s of lines of code?
No search., Much easier to copy it to your local machine and use an editor there. You can email me the plugin and I can find it quickly enough.
Ans the easiest way to comment out a line of code is to put a hash (#) in front of the line. This prevents it from being executed.
I found the block of code:
function plm_add_js() {
wp_enqueue_style('plm-style', PLM_URL . 'css/plm.css');
wp_deregister_script( 'jquery-ui-core');
wp_register_script('jquery-ui-core', PLM_URL . 'js/jquery-ui.min.js');
wp_enqueue_script('plm-main', PLM_URL . 'js/plm.js');
I can edit it easily enough in the wp plugin editor, but I have no idea how to do this right. Where do I put the hash tags, and if I basically prevent all the jquery from being executed, then how does the plugin function?
I've teased this out of header though it's quite hard to see, hopefully I captured it in this snippet:
<!--Begin Header Content-->
<?php if($theme_header_content) { ?>
<div id="header-content">
<?php echo stripslashes(do_shortcode($theme_header_content)); ?>
<?php } ?>
<!--End Header Panel--></div>
<!--End Header Bottom--></div>
<!--End Header--><?php if(is_home() && $theme_slider == "0") { require('slider.php'); } ?>
Would it be the last line? There's a separate slider.php that seems to be running the slider panel
I am confused over what we are now looking for here. Sorry but what has the slider got to do with it? Is it this that is mis-loading jquery libraries? I mean there is nothing in this code loading anything to do with jQuery so perhaps I just need an update on what the status is here. have you resolved the jQuery loading?
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