Support Forum
Hi everyone,
We're having issues with spammers registering and posting spammy classifieds at our site (WP w/ ClassiPress and soon to include SimplePress).
So I went to and searched for Plugins to deal with the problem noting that some specifically claimed compatibility with bbPress. Returning to the SP site/forum I see references to Spam plugins that seem to be included with the SP plugin. Is that correct that SP includes anti-spam features and that I should wait until it's installed to activate these features?
If an anti-spam plugin isn't included, can anyone suggest one anti-spam plugin that will block spammy registrations (from the seemingly hundreds that are available)??
Hey Bart,
For startes, the basic SP plugin comes with a math question that can be added to registration to avoid bots signing up. See admin > components > login and registration - use spam tool on registration page.
From the plugins, we also offer the captcha plugin. Allows you to add a captcha which requires the user to drag an image into a circle, which for obvious reasons is pretty much fool proof against bots.
Also, if you have the admin bar installed, it offers additional Akismet support for dealing with spam posts (only valid for posts made prior to activating the plugin however)
Hope this helps
Will the Askimet plugin that we are currently using with ClassiPress contribute to the situation or will it need to be disabled?
I guess what I'm trying to understand is how SP will coordinate with our ClassiPress theme. Will the plugins only help the theme or the SP plugin but not both or will they actually help both?
the SP plugin will coordinate with our ClassiPress theme, right? registrations will all be through the theme with theme settings applying to the SP plugin including our anti-spam efforts?
I have no experiece with ClassiPress theme, but I'm sure someone who does will hopefully be able to give you some idea of whether the two will play ball so to speak.
As far as the anti spam goes, the plugins are designed specifically for the SP forum. Just taking a quick look at ClassiPress, it appears to offer a payment system which I'm guessing you are using for registrations? So where exactly is the spam issue arising? From ClassiPress or Simple Press?
Since registrations, logins etc are all controlled through WP not SP, and you are using ClassiPress for registrations then I would have thought our anti-spam plugins would be of no use, as they are designed to be used on registration / post pages loaded by template functions in the forum.
I could be wrong, but as I said I have no experience with ClassiPress. Hopefully Mr Papa might be able to shed some light on this one.
We're not using a payment based registration, registrations are free. is that what you meant?
will SimplePress defer to what is set up for the theme then and any anti-spam plugins configured for the theme will also apply to SimplePress?
SimplePress, being a plugin, will defer to the plugins established for the site via WP and the theme we have?
This is confusing to me because SimplePress and bbPress are plugins yet there are references to them as if they require their own plugin resources independent of the WP site and it's theme where the forums will reside.
Thanks for the help so far.
Sorry I am not entirely following.
Simple Press requires WP, that's all.. all registrations and 'users' are managed by WP, SP just provides an interface to create and manage these 'users'. So I'm not sure what 'their own plugin resources independent of the WP site and it's theme' is a reference to, sorry.
The anti-spam Captcha plugin I mentioned will only work as a means to stop bots registering through the SP registration page, and stop bots posting on the SP add topic pages. It will have no bearing on anything in the theme or WP itself.
So apologies if I have the wrong end of the stick here, as I mentioned hopefully Mr Papa will be able to provide some more insight in to this. That is probably all I can help with!
Technically WP handles all of the registration, login, logout stuff, so yes, this way you can set it up so you don't login through the forum.
You can login to the site elsewhere and thus you are logged in to the forum, but as mentioned it is still technically being logged in to WP. The spam tool you can activate in the forum admin will apply to both SP and WP login, and I would have thought - the theme registration would access the default WP registration page the same way, and should also then show the spam check.
We all have this issue sooner or later - I have tried many plugins and have settled on a 4 prong approach.
Akismet - a must have.
SP post moderation for a users first 5 forum posts.
NuCaptcha plugin - for all registration and PW resets - the easiest to setup and use and it works.
IP Ban plugin - every once in a while a spammer gets through Akismet and NuCaptcha - the post mod gets them and I manually ban their IP. one got through in the last 30 days.
I like to know what others are using.
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